This past year wasn’t easy for the Golf Stinks crew as some personal matters kept us from blogging on a regular schedule. And though we wish we could have dedicated more time to writing about and playing golf, life has a way of shifting priorities around on you. Despite this, we still had enough great material to pull-together our annual top posts list (see below)!
The year ahead will bring more changes, but this should be a good thing: In January, we’re looking to launch a new site design that will be better formatted for reading our most recent posts and engaging with our team. In addition, we’ll be unveiling a new logo that we hope our fellow stinky golfers will identify with! These enhancements will all help support our long-standing ethos that golf is a game and you should have fun playing it.
Looking forward to a great 2016!
-The GolfStinks Team
Number 1
Golfing Nude – We’re always looking for interesting golf-related nuggets and back in March 2015, Stinky Golfer Pete pondered what it would be like to walk the fairways on a warm sunny afternoon in his birthday suit. Specifically, at a nudist golf club in France that really exists…
Number 2
3 Reasons Recreational Golfers Need Their Own Rulebook – In September, Stinky Golfer Greg stirred-up controversy after providing his reasons why most golfers shouldn’t be held to the same rules as the pros.
Number 3
5 Reasons They Think Golf is Stupid – In this post from March, we identify the top reasons some folks just don’t like golf.
Number 4
3 Reasons You Stink at Golf – In May, we outlined the 3 main reasons people don’t play well, and they may not be what you’d think…
Number 5
Five Ways to Have More Fun on the Golf Course – The GolfStinks crew is always looking for folks to have more fun out on the course. And in August, Stinky Golfer Chris provided 5 ways to do just that!
Number 6
Signs of Golf – One social media channel we’re proud of here at GolfStinks is our Pinterest page. We love sharing great golf-related photos and in this post from March, we highlight our Pinterest board that features the most outlandish golf course signs ever!

Number 7
Would You Play a 12-Hole Golf Course? – Back in August, Stinky Golfer Greg opened a can of worms when he wondered if it would help golf if there were only 12 holes instead of 18 (you’d be amazed at who agrees with him)!
Number 8
Are Tee-Time Sites Killing Golf Courses? – In this poll from January, we highlighted concerns many in the industry have with online tee-time booking sites. Do they help or hurt golf? The results are in – see what you had to say…
Number 9
Golfing with a Liar – In this post from early in the year, Stinky Golfer Greg was baffled as to why some people feel the need to lie about their score.

Number 10
4 Things Golf Hacks Take for Granted – Stinky Golfer Pete kicked-off 2015 with this post of simple reminders for every golfer.