So tomorrow we’ll celebrate five years of blogging, which by blogging standards is pretty darn good! As is tradition on our birthday, we’ve decided to highlight our top 5 posts of all time.
If you’re new to our blog, this list is a great place to start enjoying our content…And if you’ve read our stuff before, it’s time to enjoy these all over again!
And what would a birthday be without a gift? Be sure to check out our newsletter where we’re holding a contest to win a free golf shirt and a dozen golf balls! But subscribe today because the contest is tomorrow!
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hael Phelps, Deer Antler Velvet & Getting Drunk
Imagine a week in which golf headlines included an Olympic swimmer, a strange form of PEDs and inebriation on the course. Well back in January of 2013, that week actually happened!# 4
5 Reasons Why They Hate Golf – Some people just don’t like golf – it’s sad but true. In July of 2011, we tried to explain why anyone could possibly be a golf hater.
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10 Golf Etiquette Rules Most Jackasses Ignore – In this April 2011 post, Stinky Golfer Greg lists his biggest golfer pet peeves in a no-holds-barred rant about cell-phone use; playing from the wrong tee-box; and giving unwanted swing advice.
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Male-Only Golf Clubs; Sexist Bastards or Constitutional Right? – We opened up a can of worms with this post from 2009 on the rights of private golf clubs vs. the sentiments of the 21st-century.
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5 Ways to Start a Fight on the Golf Course – Back in August of 2013, we explained that it’s not impossible to get yourself into a rumble on the course…
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