It was a beautiful August night. A light breeze, clear sky and not an ounce of humidity. We paid our greens fees and…wait…you know we’re talking about my wife’s first time GOLFING, right? Come on, get your head out of the gutter. This is a family-friendly site people.
After the past 7 years we’ve been together I had no idea she never went golfing. She’s been to the range before but never hacked up a track. I figured why not do something different for the first time – night golf! We have a local place here that features an executive par 3 under the lights which was perfect for her. Trust me, it’s one of those places that if you played it during the day you would be wondering why you were even there.
I must say though, the place did let her use a set of clubs for free which was very nice of them. Here’s where the irony began. I was concerned she was going to hold up the group behind us because of mis-hits and whatnot that I think I jinxed myself. It ended up that I was spraying all over the place and she kept it straight…go figure.
The important thing is that her first experience was a good one and I think she might have caught the bug. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing yet. Especially if she thinks I’ll be paying for her every time. Regardless, considering golf has been losing players I’ve made it a point to try and introduce more folks to this game we love.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
Thanks for sharing this Pete! I wish more men would encourage their wives/GFs to try golf.
Now…a word of advice. DON’T try and teach her – buy her some lessons from a woman-friendly golf pro. You’ll have a fun golf partner and a much happier marriage 🙂
Funny you mention that…I’ve learned to ease up on teaching her anything over the past few years. Thanks for the advice!