About Stinky Golfer Greg
Greg D’Andrea is a co-founder of the GolfStinks blog. He’s played hundreds of different golf courses (including all the public 18-hole courses in his home state of Connecticut) and has written reviews for nearly all of them. Besides being a golfer and blogger, Greg works as a public relations measurement consultant and is happily married with two children.
“The idea for a site like GolfStinks came to me one day when I realized the vast majority of golfers are, like me, pretty wretched at this game…I wanted a place where you could appreciate golf, but still be cool with the fact that you stink at it.“
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As a contributor to the GolfStinks blog, here are some of Greg’s most popular articles:
I know it's hard to believe, but there are people in this world who simply hate the game of golf. Conceding that these folks are basically scoundrels...
Getting at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day meets recommended standards for health maintenance and wellness. But what about g...
Sometimes you just need a change. Maybe your game's in a funk - or at least it's smelling funkier than usual. Perhaps you feel like your last few scor...
As much as I love this game, there was a time when I thought about giving it up. Even though I snapped-out-of-it and rediscovered my passion for golf...
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Q&A with Stinky Golfer Greg
Years Stinking at Golf: 25 (wow, I’m getting old)!
Average # of Rounds per Year: 10 (it used to be a lot more before kids)!
Golf Equipment: Mizuno: MX-23 Irons, MP wedges & FLI-HI 3 hybrid / Taylor Made: 2009 Burner Driver
Golf Balls Lost in an Average 18 Hole Round: Usually between 1-3
Favorite Course Played:
Paa-ko Ridge Golf Club
Dream Foursome:
Me, Ben Hogan (so I can learn something), any of my current golfing buddies and Bigfoot (seriously, a guy in a Bigfoot costume…or the real thing, whatever).
Most Interesting Golf Experience:
I was down on Hilton Head Island, SC in the spring of 2001 boogie-boarding in the surf just after a round of golf, when I was stung on the hand by a stingray. I didn’t really know what hit me until 5 hours later, when the pain wasn’t going away, my buddies took me to the emergency room and the ER nurse told me what happened: “Yep, that was a stingy” she said. I had to soak my hand in scalding water for the next two nights (please don’t try to ice-it like I did), get a tetanus shot and take antibiotics for 15 days. Good thing it stung me on the top of the hand, otherwise I’d have never been able play the next 36 holes!
GolfStinks contributors: Stinky Golfers Chris, Greg, Pete & Tom