Do you know what I hate? New Year’s resolutions. Aren’t they the worst? Honestly, what’s the point?! How many of you have actually made a resolution that you’ve stuck with? Actually, how many of you even make New Year’s resolutions?
I gave up on resolutions long ago. I have come to the realization that I’m not going to join a gym, I’m not going to make a serious effort to lose weight and I’m not going to try to be “nicer” to people. As a matter of fact, the only resolution I have stuck with is to not make any more resolutions. It seems to be working out!
However, this year I’ve decided to make a special exception. This year, I’m going to make a resolution regarding my golf game. Am I going to work on my handicap? No. I don’t even know what my handicap is, nor do I care. Am I going to practice more? Heck no! I’ll practice a bit, but no more than usual. But what I am going to do is resolve to play more. That’s it! Seems pretty attainable, right?
See, that’s the key to a New Year’s resolution – make it attainable. I’m not going to practice more because, well, I don’t want to! And, quite frankly, I could care less about my handicap. I play to play. My score is my score. My handicap (or anyone else’s for that matter) is meaningless to me. So that’s out the window. But I sure do want to play more than I did last year! So there you go. Instant resolution!
Actually, I didn’t play much last year and that was kind of a disappointment. I would really like to make the time to play more often. Even if it’s just nine holes. Hey, half a round of golf is better than no golf! So I’m going to buck my normal trend and actually make a New Year’s resolution. Simple, attainable and something I want to do. I resolve to play more golf in 2011! How about you?
Swing ’til you’re happy!