Let me start by saying, I love playing golf. We all do. If not, we wouldn’t be here, reading this right now. But year in and year out, my golf experience seems to get worse and worse. Now, that doesn’t mean for a second that I enjoy golf any less. It’s just the experience surrounding it that gets worse. What do I mean? Well, let me give you a few examples:
- I didn’t get any better – Despite a little extra time at the driving range and a little extra work on my swing while at home over the off-season, it translated to exactly nothing. Luckily, I don’t play golf to be a pro – I play for fun. But when you put in the extra time and effort, you do hope it shows on the other side. But….nope. Ah, I guess that’s to be expected by now.
- I didn’t get to play with my usual golfing buddies…not once – Ever since I started playing, the other GolfStinks guys and I have played pretty regularly together. But this season? It just seems like life got in the way even more than normal. I suppose the job, kids, life-changing events, etc.., they all force golf into the backseat.
- I barely played at all! – Talk about life getting in the way of golf. I played exactly 18 holes of golf this season – two 9-hole rounds, both with my kids. Not that I’m ever going to complain about playing with my kids, but I wanted to get out more often and get out with my regular golfing buddies.
Well, the one good thing that came out of this season is, after all these years, I’ve finally found the one thing about my golf game that is consistent – I continue to play less and less golf every year. I mean, at this pace, I might as well just throw the clubs on Craigslist and call it a career. Granted, the season isn’t quite over yet. We played into November last year. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but we played. So there are still a few potential weekends to go. Otherwise, the only thing I can think of to potentially save this season is maybe a little golf trip to a warmer climate. Hmm?
I’m sure it isn’t just us GolfStinks guys who have had their golf outings cut down significantly. So what do you say stinky golfers? I think we need to put life aside on occasion. Skip out on a commitment you never wanted to make in the first place and go play golf like you wanted to begin with. There have been times when I have called out of work sick or left early to go play golf. Why did I stop that? I think it’s time for all of us to make a shift in our thinking toward golf. It’s time to take our golf life back.