Why should the kiddies have all the fun on Halloween? The much-beloved holiday of tricks or treats is a mere two days away, yet I bet you’re planning on going into work like it’s just any other day, aren’t you? Not only is it All Hollows’ Eve, but it’s also a Friday! You deserve a skip day, don’t you? I mean, who doesn’t love a 3-day weekend?

Let’s face it, the year is winding down and you need to use that PTO before you lose it…Am I right? And the golf season – well, that’s almost extinct if you live in the northern half of the United States. You need to get out there while you still can! Plus, I bet the course will be pretty empty.
Now I realize some of you may have blown through your vacation time during the summer. Or maybe you’re saving your last few days for the holiday season. Don’t fret, there are some very clever ways to get in a round of golf on company time (see HERE).

See? No more excuses – get out on the course and give yourself a treat on Halloween for a change. And while you’re at it, make sure the camera is close at hand – I bet there’ll be some great leaf peeping opportunities. And once you’ve captured the foliage, go ahead and add it to our Autumn Golf Courses Pinterest board:
Follow GolfStinks’s board Autumn Golf Courses on Pinterest.
So grab your favorite pumpkin-flavored beverage (latte or ale) and get out to the golf course this Halloween – you deserve it.