Up here in the northeast, we all know that September is one of the best times to golf. The weather is perfect and with all the kids back in school the courses tend to be more open. Unfortunately, this also means our season is winding down. Funny because it doesn’t hit you until the first signs of cold weather…like this morning…50 friggin’ degrees.
It’s inevitable, every year I go through the same roller coaster of emotions. I’m pissed because I didn’t get out as much as I wanted to and back in early spring I told myself I was going to make it a point to play more. I should have known better…between wedding plans, a new house and the fiance’s laundry list of s*** to do; when was I going to play?
Who was I fooling? Myself, that’s who. I’ll tell you what though, this winter I’m going to formulate a plan to get on the course a little more. My strategy will be to use deceit, bribery and lies. Hey it works for our elected officials.
On a positive note, I’m actually looking forward to a little fall ball. If you never had the opportunity to see the leaves change color, I would suggest an autumn golf trip to New England. Also, a lot of courses offer discounted fall greens fees for late afternoon/early evening golf. Any little bit helps.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!