Don’t get me wrong, I’m no world traveler, but I’ve golfed in a few different places. I’ve played courses up north, and down south. I’ve golfed in the cold weather and in the tropics. But for my money, nothing beats a nice, rural New England course in the fall.
The fall is my favorite time of year, and if I can play a sport I enjoy while taking in the autumn splendor, how can that be passed up?
The cool, crisp air. Comfortable temperatures. And of course, the vibrant colors of the changing leaves. The beautiful reds, oranges and yellows blended with the greens of the pine trees and bright blue skies – there’s a reason tourists flock to New England this time of year. But we New England residents enjoy it just as much. And if we can mix golf in with the scenery, then how can that be beat?
Can you tell me where you took this photo? It looks great, I would like to play this track.