With all the wisdom of being an adult, it’s so easy to see what golf and Father’s Day have in common. Take a second and think back to the days when you were little; Remember the times you spent with your father? Did you feel a closeness to him? Did he engage you with that fatherly camaraderie? I hope the answer is yes.
When I was young, dad introduced me to the game of golf in style: I got my own 30-year-old clubs with a 50-year-old bag that smelled like moth balls, exhaust and mildew (fairly typically, no)?
I would proudly pack my ancient tools in his trunk and he’d drive us to the local golf range. We’d split a bucket of balls and I would make a game out of it; seeing how many I could hit in a row, or how far I could hit them. I would run up to the ball and swing as hard as my little body could swing the club…only to see the ball bounce five feet in front of me! But that wouldn’t faze me – with a smile on my face I would look up at him and say, “Hey dad, I hit the ball!” and his response was nothing but pride; “At ‘a boy son.”
When I got a little older, dad would help me with my swing, and teach me all the rules and etiquette. I remember one Father’s Day in particular, when I asked dad to go golfing with me. It was a warm, sunny day – probably around 80 degrees with a slight breeze and (can you believe this?) no one on the course! When is there ever no one on the course? On a Sunday? On Father’s Day no less???
Well, it truly was my father’s day that day – he shot par; knocked in a shot from 50 yards; and sunk putts from 20 and 30 feet like he was a pro! Needless to say, he beat me by multiple strokes. After that, he took me out for food and ice cream. I may have been young, but I realized that day my dad was someone special – regardless of the fact he played so well. It’s a realization that’s never left me, and I’m glad golf was able help reveal it to me.
Happy Father’s Day, and please share with us your favorite golf experience with dad.
– Tom Treloar, Co-founder: Golfstinks, LLC
That’s a great story. I have very fond memories of going out to play golf with my Dad. Even though he often got frustrated with his own game, he would always be helpful and encouraging when watching my game. Golf is truly a family sport!