Many of us have participated in different types sports on every level. Most of us in a recreational manner but some have been blessed with the opportunity to showcase their skills in “the show”. For those not familiar, “the show” refers to the big leagues – NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL…you get the picture. Personally, I’ve played on competitive levels. Granted, not in “the show” but had the chance to compete against some that did and let me tell you, they deserved to be there.
It’s easy for us to watch a game on the television and say this guys sucks or that guy is a bum. What we might be forgetting is that these athletes are the best of the best. Against their peers it might now be so evident but trust me, they got game! However, as good as they may be their days are numbered. Most pros call it quits in their 30’s, a handful make it to 40 or so and that’s it the gloves are hung up.
Coming back to real life and us average joes, the age of the recreational player probably extends another 10-15 years maybe 20 but there is an exception. Golf. I really can’t think of any other sport or activity that can be a part of our entire life, health permitting. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are senior leagues that exist but when was the last time you saw a 65 year old whip a 25 year old’s ass other than on a golf course? Exactly. Golf is one of the few things we can enjoy throughout our life.
Not only can we enjoy the game, we can actually get better as we age. For example, a gentleman in his 60’s I know, who we can call Phil, is putting up some the best scores he’s ever had. Why? Wisdom through experience. He’s more concerned about keeping it in play then smashing the s*** out of the ball. Less is more as he likes to put it. Hitting it 175 or 200 yards down the middle is way more beneficial than spraying a bomb all over creation. I would insert a grasshopper quote here but unfortunately I don’t have one.
So, if there’s one thing we can take away from this is that as a hack, our better days are ahead.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!! Or just keep it in play…