I have never rented golf clubs. As a matter of fact, I’ve never rented anything golf-related except a cart. I guess I’ve just never had any reason to rent clubs. And since I never have, it kind of makes me wonder who does rent clubs, and why?
Just to show that I have actually put some thought into this, I’ve considered four separate scenarios for playing golf and if there would be any chance that I would need to rent clubs.
#1. A regular round of golf – By regular round, I mean my buddies and I have planned a round of golf for a weekend. This one is pretty simple. Why would I ever need to rent clubs for this, unless I was a complete idiot and forgot my clubs at home. In that case, I don’t deserve to even play that day. It’s like going camping and forgetting your tent.
#2. An unscheduled round of golf – For instance, I’m at work. Another stinky golfer calls and says he has a tee time for 5:30 to play nine before it’s too dark. OK, I can see how someone wouldn’t have their clubs ready for this. But not me. During the golf season, I put my clubs in my trunk, and that is where they stay just in case a situation such as this arises. They will stay there for the entire season…maybe longer.
But even then, I mentioned nine holes. Is nine holes really important enough to rent clubs if I didn’t have them with me? I mean, the clubs may cost more than the round itself.
#3. A golf trip – Now, it’s a golf trip. Why on earth would I not have my clubs with me? Why would anyone go on a golf trip without their clubs? The only reason I can think of is people are worried about bag fees. I’ve seen bag fees range anywhere between $50-$100 round trip. But I’m sure they go higher. In a case like that, I guess I can understand to a point.
But when you consider that renting clubs can cost anywhere between $15-$50, if not more depending upon the course, wouldn’t you just rather bring your own clubs rather than use the rentals?
#4. A non-golf trip – OK, in this situation I can see how you could be stuck without your clubs. But all it takes is a little verification before the trip, and you can be prepared. For instance, this past summer, my wife booked us and another couple a trip to Key West. This was not a golf trip. However, I made sure to check ahead of time if the other guy is a golfer. Sure enough…even though this was not a golf trip, we managed to get a day in at the Key West Golf Club. Just a little preparation and I got to play a course I wouldn’t have had the chance to. And I did it without having to rent clubs.
So to anyone who has rented clubs before, what was the situation? Why did you choose to rent clubs rather than just use your own? Did I miss something above? Let me know. After all, I’m a stinky golfer and there’s a good chance that I just don’t get it.
Swing ’til you’re happy!