In my last post and the one before, I referred to marketing and it’s use in golf. Continuing with that thought, I want to touch upon the actual significance of marketing to the golf community. Better yet, the importance of understanding our love for the game and sharing it with those who haven’t played.
It’s no secret that “word of mouth” is perhaps the best way of marketing something and I’m pretty sure most marketing gurus will agree. It’s simple; someone uses, participates in or buys a product, service or activity and then let’s their family and friends know the results. It’s not rocket science, there’s nothing complicated about that.
If I go to a restaurant and have a bad experience, my family and friends will know. The same goes with hotels, airlines, etc. In general, we are more inclined to tell others of our bad experiences rather than our good ones. Right? Well, just like every rule (theory, principle or whatever) there is an exception. And that exception happens to be golf.
No matter how bad my round was or how much I disliked a course, I found myself telling my buddies they need to get out there and play. Amazing, right? I stink at golf, mess up shots and curse every other hole (if not every hole) but insist everyone should give it a shot. In fact, my buddies who I introduced the game to still play the same courses we swore we would never play again…but so do I.
Personal experiences are subjective. We can agree to that, right?
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!