If you really sit back and think about it, golf seems more aggravating than it was fifty years ago (not that I was around fifty years ago but…). I mean with the advancement in technology and the overall progression of the game, shouldn’t we be better golfers? We should be…but for some reason the majority of us still stink.
Interesting isn’t it? We still dominate the demographic as average golfers and all the while there are so many golf improvement gadgets, videos and what not that supposedly make us better players. Now, if we all improved our game, that would still make us average.
Not to get all Sigmund Freud-ish but, if we all lower our scores that would change the national average from 100 (more or less) to 90 or 80 for example. And if the majority scores a 90 or 80 that would make it the national average – therefore grouping us back into the average golfer category all the while trying to improve our game.
Can you see why it’s frustrating? We bust our friggin’ ass to be better golfers only to be…average. Fifty years ago golfers were shooting the same scores as they are today even without all those golf gadgets we have now. Hmmmmm…sounds like a racket. Golf stinks but man I love this game.