We here at Golfstinks don’t typically review golf products – in fact, we tend to poke fun at all the crazy gadgets out there. So when we post a review of something, it’s because we feel it can serve some use to the average weekend golf hack.
That being said, a few weeks ago I was contacted by someone over at Golf Genie who asked me if I would be interested in receiving their product – the Tee to Green Pocket Guide. Not being able to pass up something for free, I decided to see what this pocket golf guide had to offer.
First, let me tell you this is no zany golf gadget – it’s a practical, quick reference guide to pulling-off all the different golf shots you may encounter out on the course.
A few years ago, I read a tip in a golf magazine that actually helped me (I think it may have been the only time that’s happened)! Anyway, Nick Faldo recommended creating a tiny spreadsheet listing all your club distances (along with your half-swing distances). Then print it out, laminate it and keep in your golf bag. You have no idea how much that little paper has helped me decide which club to use while out on the course – it was the best thing I ever did to improve my game.
First section of Golf Genie? Same thing. It shows the average distance for each club for both men and women (perfect for beginners), but then gives you space to write in your own distances (once you get those down to a science). Golf Genie then proceeds to breakdown the grip, swing, shot-making, chipping, putting and even bunker play and advanced shots – all neatly and clearly explained while using graphics to enhance your understanding.
I pointed out in a post recently one of the major problems with reading swing tips in a magazine: How are you supposed to remember all the stuff you read once you’re out on the golf course? Well, Golf Genie solves this problem by packing all the swing info you’ll ever need into one pocket-sized guide – each section conveniently tabbed for easy reference. What I like though is they don’t try and get too fancy on you – they just show you the basics – which are usually what you need when you’re a beginner or have been struggling with a slice or hook (it sort of clears your head, you know? Gets you thinking straight again – back to the basics).
OK, I know this is starting to sound like an infomercial now, but Golf Genie has already shaved a few stokes off my last round – seriously. I corrected my grip mid-round based on a diagram in the guide and subsequently my shots straightened out over the last few holes.
Golf Genie has found permanent residence in my golf bag – had I not received my copy gratis, I would have gladly forked-over the $15 for it. Even more affordable is the app version, which is only $5 on the Apple app store.
So yeah, Golfstinks typically avoids telling people how they can improve their game. I mean, it’s your game, who are we to audaciously think it needs improvement? But when something affordable, practical and truly helpful actually comes along, trust us…we’ll let you know.
Great post. I like simple tips that are easy to understand and effective. Think I will check it out. Thanks for the info.
I believe Golf Genie can be a great way through which one can improve his/her game. Not only armature but professionals too can gain something out of it… great post…