Just after my senior year in high school, I aggravated my sciatic nerve – the cause? Too much golf, not enough stretching.
I had played nearly every day till the end of the school year for my high school team – including tons of chipping practice. Once the school year ended, I continued playing golf and not once did I warm up first.
Hey, I was 17 years old and thought I was invincible. But, of course, I wasn’t. About a week into summer vacation, I could hardly get out of bed and walking was slow and difficult. I was hobbled like this for nearly two weeks and once I felt good enough to play golf again, I made sure I warmed up beforehand and have (thankfully) never re-aggravated that nerve.
Recently, I received a package from Slovakia. What does that have to do with anything? Well, inside the package were two golf warm up guides courtesy of Fitlander.com. Though you can tell from their promotional material that English isn’t their first language, the site looks very professional and their product is simple and valuable.
Their “golf warm up” guide contains eight easy to follow exercises. But there are two things that I really like about this guide: The size – it appears to be the exact size of an iPhone 4/4S; and a unique technology called lenticular printing – which in effect is a moving hologram. This is key because it demonstrates how the warm-ups should be done. See video below:
Clip it to your golf bag so you remember to warm up and play well. I love things that are simple yet effective. And let’s face it – we golf hacks need to warm up the most since we only play once a week or less!
So, how do you get your hands on one of these? Well, the good folks over at Fitlander.com did send me two guides – one of which can be yours free! Just head on over to our Facebook page and comment on the post titled “Win a free Golf Warm Up Guide from Fitlander.com.” That’s it – we’ll choose one winner next week!
And if you don’t win, you can always head over to ebay and purchase one for $10.
Good luck and warm-up this spring!
Great idea. Stretching before playing or practicing is very important to prevent injuries and wake up the body before you hit balls. Mild stretching though unless you are warmed up.