Back in August of 09′, fellow Stinky Golfer Chris posted “Is Golf Exercise?” His point was that golf is supposed to be enjoyed and who cares what issues the nay-sayers have with golf not being considered “exercise.” Taking it a step further, I decided to revisit this issue and focus on the benefits golfing HAS towards a healthier lifestyle.
We all know a lot of people push golf aside as a legit form of exercise. Granted, it isn’t quite as rigorous as the P90X workout but it is definitely a way to HELP shed some excess weight. As new data surfaces and the concern for better health, diet and so on pursues, we look for different ways to keep the ol’ ticker in tip-top shape.
It seems there are new diets coming out every day such as the obvious Atkins and South Beach to the more obscure and weird ones. You know, where all you can eat is steamed cauliflower roots and drink sea weed shakes for 2 weeks. I think everyone has that one strange friend who swears by this diet they learned of from their “spiritual leader.” This is the same person who looks like he or she is 90 years old but is actually only 35.
I’ll put it this way; Losing weight equals burning more calories than you take in…period. I know because I did it. How? By raising my activity level and lowering my caloric intake via a healthier diet. So, how does this relate to golf? Easily – carry your clubs for 18 holes. If you golf a couple times a week, carry your clubs and eat a little healthier – you will lose weight.
“Well, what if I can’t carry my clubs?” Don’t worry, you still burn calories using a cart. According to‘s Calories Burned Estimator, here’s a chart estimating the calories burned by golfing with a cart and carrying your own bag broken down by body weight
Please note: This is just an estimate and should not be used in medical decisions. Duh…
As you can see, golfing does in fact burn calories. Now if I couple that with the 6 or 7 hundred calories I burn sleeping…Who needs the gym?
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
Related posts:
Is Golf Exercise?
The Truth About Walking the Golf Course
I believe hacks like me may burn even more calories, I mean over 18 holes I probably could take anywhere from 95 to 120 strokes (seriously). Not to mention my time spent hiking through the woods and hazards which have to burn more calories than walking the nice smooth fairway.
I know I am the same I really think it should be based on ability to how much you burn!!! But i do love loosing weight then most probably putting it on again when I go to the club house for a sneaky couple especially if i am not the winner and the drinks are on someone else! heha