For the first time in a long time I was able to get a round in on a nice sunny morning. If you haven’t followed or didn’t know, this is also my first time out in almost a year and a half due to 1) Surgery and B…hehehe…2) Our golf season in the Northeast is just that – seasonal. If it wasn’t for winter I would have been out there already.
I have to admit though I was a little anxious. I had no idea what to expect. It was like my first day of school all over again. I was up early, cleaned my clubs, wiped the dust off the bag, remembered my lunch money and was off.
As we got to the first tee it hit me – the first “Golfing What”. What do I do here? Hit the ball. I know that wise ass. My issue was figuring out my distances. I knew when I stopped playing a year and a half ago what my distances were more or less but today is a different story. And my driver, forget it, that wasn’t seeing the light of day.
Since the driver was staying in, I figured I would give the 3 wood a chance. And what a chance it had…right in the friggin’ lumberyard. Can you smell that? That, my friends, is the smell of my first “Woe”. So the driver and 3 wood were sent to the showers and I decided it’s all iron play from here on out. Looking back, it was a wise decision. Just by eliminating the woods and driver I shaved strokes off my score!
We hit a little bit of a back up at the 4th or 5th hole and we end up talking with the group in front of us as they wait for the firm, you know Shanks, Hook, Skull & Slice, to make their approach shots to the green. As we were chatting it up with this group my second “Golfing What” and “Woe” hit me almost simultaneously. What the f@#! is this guy wearing? He had on a ratty t-shirt and dirty shorts! WTF!
I know we try to do our best to keep golf’s traditions alive but I get this feeling that some have put aside golf’s formalities for comfort. Not that I’m a stickler for dress code (I wear cargo shorts and I’ll save that battle for another time) but I think a little decency on the course is expected. Just my $0.02.
Hit’ em long…yell FORE!!!
I am also not a stickler for dress code as long as what you have on doesn’t embarrass you. you had quite the layoff I feel like a week without hitting a golf ball is a layoff for me. I would find an indoor range for the winters and work on dialing in your distances again.