In my post last week, I made a rather strong statement that I could be playing at either St. Andrews or some pitch n’ putt somewhere and it wouldn’t make much of a difference to me. I went on to explain that it doesn’t matter where I play…that once I strap the old clubs on my back, my golf pilgrimage begins.
That statement was, for the most part, true. Yet of the hundreds of golf courses I’ve played in my lifetime, an extremely small percentage of them were of the executive or par 3 caliber. You may be wondering why. Why would this self-procliamed lover of all golf courses – a man who has played all the public 18-hole courses in his home state for the sheer fun of it (good ones and bad alike)…why would he have something against par 3 and executive courses?
I’ve pondered this question myself from time-to-time. And to tell you the truth, the truth hurts. You see, the reality is, I’m a bit particular…well, OK – call me anal. I’m like this about most things in my life and golf is no exception. Move a notepad on my desk and I move it back to its exact original position; when I read a book, I must read all the reviews on the inside flap, the editors note and the acknowledgments; and if you book a tee-time at a course where par is less than 69, my universe is thrown out of whack somewhat.
No par 5’s?? Par for the course is 54??? How am I supposed to test out my new driver???? *BAM!* Universe out of whack, planets misaligned, etc., etc. The last time I played a “short” course (I actually had to go look this up) was July 21, 2007 – three years ago. Before that? Your guess is as good as mine.
I can tell you that three years ago I acquiesced because of my playing partners. Stinky Golfer Tom and I were playing with our dads – both of whom are in their 70s. Tom’s dad had grown fond of a 9-hole, par 33 course that had recently opened up in our area and suggested we all play there.
Par 33. My mind instantly imagined windmills and a clown’s mouth. Why? I knew this wasn’t putt-putt golf, but I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve turned into a golf course profiler…I should be ashamed of myself! Of course the place was great (see photo at top). And true to my post from last week – once I teed-off, I was very much enjoying myself – as if the course was much more grandiose.
But I haven’t been back since. And I haven’t played another par 3 or executive course since either. I know if…er, when I do again, I probably will still enjoy myself once I’m out on the course. But as far as when that will be? Hmmm, perhaps talk to me again in another three years.
I rarely have time to play 18 and 1 hour on a par 3 really helps me work on the parts of my game that benefit me when I get a chance to play the big course, I would much rather play a par 3 or executive than hit balls at a range, much more realistic, because I am actually playing. If I have a little extra time I will hit 3 balls, one draw one fade and one straight on each hole (as long as I am not holding anyone up)
John, good point with the practice. I agree, while I may not be able to work on my driver, I should be able to work on my irons and short game.
I don’t like ’em because I begin to WANT to hit my driver. I’m sort of a gorilla and I like hitting the big stick. I actually like the range because I take the advice of one of my golf instructors and hit through the range of clubs like I would in a round of golf: I hit a driver, then a long or short iron (sometimes the fairway wood) and then a wedge. I find that really helpful.
Tecolote in San Diego is one of the greatest courses in the area. Its a gem and its “executive”… And it was designed by the late great Sam Snead!!!
I miss that track.
I think these are greatly overlooked by developers. They are fun, fast and if done well appeal to every level of golfer. We need more of these little courses.
I use the new Hybrid golf ball on the Executive/Par-3 courses. This hi-performance ball makes the shorter course play like a championship course, with par 3’s,4’s & 5’s, allowing a quick 2-3 hour, 18 hole round using all my clubs. Don’t need the big, expensive and time wasting course’s anymore? Anyway, playing a standard ball on shorter courses is like using a baseball on a softball field, the ball is out of scale, not much of a challenge.
There’s a par-3 course a couple of blocks from my office. When there’s not much work, I play a quick 9 with a co-worker at noon. Doing that beats the heck out staring a cubicle walls and my short game is now better than it used to be.
I’ve heard about those hybrid golf balls – which brand do you use? Maybe I will pick some up and give ’em a try
Quite a few guys… even those with high handicaps… find par three/executive courses “too easy”. Just like the red tees are “too easy” even for the guy who hits 140 off the blue tees.
The executive course is the best place to become good at the parts of the game that really matter.
Growing up in the spring my brother and I would go to the 9 hole par 31 executive course and play 18 or 27 holes in the afternoon.
One year my handicap went from 14 in January to a 7 in May. All 7 shots a round were picked up on the par 3’s and inside of 75 yards.
Havn’t you tried the new hi-performance Hybrid golf ball yet?
It’s the new quick way to make the shorter executive/par 3 course play like a full-sized course with par 3, 4 & 5 holes and use every club in the bag. Let’s me play 18 holes of enjoyable “championship golf” in 2-3hours! I quit playing the big courses, they take to long, cost to much, to frustrating.
In some ways, I’m the exact opposite. I would much rather play on a short course than a regulation course. Par 3 and executive courses allow me to enjoy fresh air and exercise at a fraction of the cost and at a fraction of the price.
The atmosphere of these courses tends to be a little friendlier as well.
To each his own…
@Josh – thanks for comment and I’ve warmed-up some to short courses since I penned that post. Actually played one this year – you can read about that here: http://golfstinks.com/blog/2016/09/pointfive-entirely-new-approach-executive-style-golf-courses.html
Hey Greg,
Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to check out the Pointfive balls as well.