I’m approaching a very special time in the career of a golfer, and I want to share it with everyone. It wouldn’t be fair to keep such a joyous occasion to myself. I need to tell everyone about the next step in my golfing life.
You see, I’m finally putting down my off-the-shelf clubs (the same set I’ve been playing with since I took up the game), and getting myself fitted for a new set!
Once again, I have my wife to thank. For the umpteenth time, via the benefits of her place of employment, she has come through with something to benefit me. You see, I’ve mentioned previously that she works for a company that manages or owns several golf courses throughout the state. So I’ll be headed to their top course to meet up with the pro who will promptly measure me up! It’s a combination Fathers Day/Birthday gift…and a damn good one at that!
Now, as excited as I am for this, I also have no idea what to expect or what to look for. I’m sure the pro is going to help me understand those things, but it’s still a funny feeling. So I have a few questions with which some of you in the golf blogosphere may be able to help me out?
1. What exactly am I looking for? What I mean by this is, how do I want to feel with these clubs in hand? Should I feel like I’m holding something as light as a feather or something of significant mass? Should I feel like I’m holding anything at all or should I feel as if it’s simply an extension of my arms?
2. In my club shopping, swinging and testing-out of clubs, I’ve become a bit partial to a brand or two. But what happens if I’ve tried out a few and decide on one, but once it’s custom fit to my specs, I no longer like the feel of it? Is there a possibility of that happening? One would have to think so. It’s like if I was to test-drive a new car, decide I like it, and have something on it customized. Then, once I get it out on the road, it feels different due to the customization and I don’t like it as much. Has anyone ever heard of this happening or experienced it for themselves?
3. Is it worth it to do this at all? I mean, I’m getting a relatively large break on the cost of all of this, but it’s still not going to be cheap. Is a nice set of custom-fit clubs that much better than a nice set of off-the-shelf clubs? Especially considering I’m a stinky golfer? It’s something to think about.
Keep in mind, if not for my wife’s connection, this is something I likely would never do. I honestly never really cared about getting custom-fit clubs. As a matter of fact, I find it quite humorous that so many people who are not professional players, and never will be, spend the money to do this. So for a player of my caliber…I find it to be absolutely absurd!
I suppose I don’t understand it because I don’t take the game as seriously as many others do. Now don’t take that statement the wrong way. I very much enjoy playing the game. I also very much enjoy playing softball every Tuesday night, but I’m not about to go spend several hundred dollars on a custom bat, or have a custom glove tailored to my hand! So why do it for golf?
Well, the answer is, I wouldn’t. But I have the chance to do it now for less than what I was planning on paying for a nice set of off-the-shelf clubs. So that puts me in a different position. I would almost be foolish to NOT do this, right?
So next weekend holds the big day. Provided I can find a bit of free time, I’ll be in the pro shop, likely asking these same questions. If anyone can give me any insight before going in, it would be very much appreciated!
Afterward, give me some time with the new clubs and give me a chance to see how much difference they make and if they are, in fact, worth it. I’m sure I’ll then follow up with my verdict.
Would you buy a suit off the rack without trying it on?
Custom fitting makes an annoyingly difficult game noticeably easier. As an added bonus, if properly fit, you can use the machine analysis to learn a lot about your current swing.
Ooo….you will have to let me know if the custom fit makes a difference for you. I’ve been playing with off the shelf for years, and didn’t know if it was worth the money for me. Though I don’t think I am the golfer you are.
Av, there’s a difference between trying a suit on and getting one custom tailored. However, I get what you’re saying.
I went for the fitting today and I have to say…I’m excited about the idea of it. I’m looking forward to seeing if it has any actual affect on my game. Plus, I was able to get a couple of tips from the pro regarding my swing. Not a lesson, just a couple of pointers. Of course, getting used to those is going to be a bit of an adventure…
Jill, I’ll be sure to follow up and let everyone know what I think of the new clubs. I’ve only played with one set so far in my golf life – an off-the-shelf set. So to this point, I don’t know anything else.
And by the way…you must have the wrong person. Did you see the name of this site? Not only does golf stink, but I stink at golf!