Third time’s a charm, or so it has been said. You know, I would really like to think so. Considering Golf Questions Answered…The Golfstinks.com Way! was a success and Part Dos! faired just as well, it’s only natural to continue.
So, keeping with the tradition, we’ll get to the general inquiries but this time around we’ll touch upon some personal stuff too. Let’s get to it!
Q: Why is Tiger not winning any more?
A: Let’s break it down:
- August 1996 – November 2009 – Butt load of women=butt load of wins.
- November 2009 – present – No women=no wins. Do the math.
Q: What does John Daly carry in his pockets?
A: This took a little research.
- 1987 – 1990 – money, bottle opener and cigarettes.
- 1990-2010 – a lot less money, cigarettes, bad stuff we were told to ‘just say no to‘ and a half pint.
- 2010 – present – a copy of his album (yes, he actually recorded an album) and…cigarettes.
Q: Who’s the biggest ladies’ man on the tour?
A: Well, thanks to TW, you’ve got a better shot at bringing peace to the mideast than finding this out.
Q: If I ground my wedge in a sand trap and no one sees it, should I say anything?
A: In the words of Judge Smails: “The most important decision you can make right now is what you stand for; goodness…or badness.” Come on man, Judge Smails was a fictional character! No harm no foul.
Q: What are some good drills when I’m off the course? A: Dewalt, Black & Decker or Makita. Any more questions?
Well, that wraps up another successful Q & A session. If you have any golf questions please forward them to pete@golfstinks.com. Thank you yet again and I really look forward to part 4!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!