Did you ever show up to one of your local golf tournaments and see this guy? Have you ever lined up for your first drive of the day but you blow it because you can’t get the image of this guy’s bowtie and knickers out of your head? Yeah, me too.
When I see this guy, I can’t help but wonder to myself if he is either celebrating golf history, or if he’s just an idiot trying to be funny. Does he just want to make people laugh? Did he lose a bet? Did someone tell him he had to dress this way as a prank? Is he a golf historian celebrating days gone by? Or, does he not know a thing about golf and feels this is the way he’s supposed to dress?
Recently, I was invited by my brother-in-law to play in a golf tournament. Unfortunately, it was on a Friday during the week my boss was on vacation and having the two of us out on the same day simply doesn’t work. So, despite exhausting every available option, I had to take a pass.
But what struck me funny about this is, my brother-in-law is not a golfer. He doesn’t play regularly. He doesn’t play on occasion. As far as I know, he has rarely played golf in his life. So why the interest to play in golf tournaments? My guess is, it has just about nothing to do with golf.
I would have to imagine that a good part of heading to a golf tournament as a non-golfer has to do with networking. But why golf? Why network at a golf tournament when you don’t play the sport? I’ve been to networking events that had certainly cost much less than what it costs to enter a golf tournament. Heck, I’ve been to several free networking events! So again, why a golf tournament?
Well, I think the simple answer is, it’s more fun! Consider what goes on at a golf tournament. I’ve played in tournaments which, for roughly $125 or so, there is unlimited breakfast food being given out right from the start. Beer is flowing from the early hours. Various types of alcohol are being given out on several holes throughout the round. And food… oh the food!! Besides a full dinner at the end of the round, there is food out on some of the holes as well. I recall playing in one tournament where a full pig roast was happening on one of the holes!!
With all of the food, the drinks and, of course, the round of golf…doesn’t this sound a whole hell of alot more fun than your average networking event?
I’ve been playing golf pretty regularly for a relatively long time now. I’ve played in a few golf tournaments and each one of them has been a good time. I’ve also been to a few networking events. Compared to the golf tournaments, they just seem like work. So is this why my brother-in-law chose the golf tournament, even though he doesn’t golf? It makes sense to me. Hell, I’ll choose a basket-weaving tournament if they’re providing all day long food and drinks! Nothing against basket-weaving. I’m sure a tournament (if one exists) is completely invigorating.
I guess the point is, if you have to do something work related, you may as well make a good time of it. Play in the golf tournament, whether you’re a golfer or not. You may find that you like the sport! And if not, chances are you’re going to have a good time anyway!
Swing ’til you’re happy!
Digging for Gold on the Golf Course

They’re out there and you may even know one. The phrase “for the love of the game” means as much to them as a barber means to the Dalai Lama. They own golf clubs for one reason and one reason only: Networking at golf tournaments.
They’re Tourney Golfers and the summer months on their calendars are spattered with local charity golf events: Shotguns, Best Balls, Scrambles – it doesn’t mean a thing to them – as long as they get to mingle after the round while bellied-up to the raw bar.
They’re not there to grip-it and rip-it, they’re there to grip and grin; and market themselves or their product. Think I’m crazy? Let’s look at one such person (for the sake of anonymity, we’ll call him Tourney Golfer Bob).
Anyway, Bob and I (along with two others) are paired up at this golf tournament a few years ago. Throughout the front 9, Bob’s yacking away about his law firm. It started out innocent enough: “Have you got any kids?” Me: “No, not yet.” Bob: “We’ll you know, my wife and I just revised our will to include our youngest.” Me: “Oh?” Bob: “Yep. It’s something to think about, you know – it happens to all of us.” Me: “What does?” Bob: “Death.”
Me: “PLUNK” (that was my next shot, smack-dab in the middle of a pond).
Around the 15th hole, Bob opened up his bag to fetch more tees and that’s when I notice it. His bag pocket was stuffed with dozens of those little tee/marker/divot tool packs you receive on the first tee of most tournaments. Then I realized all his golf balls (he blew through his complimentary sleeve of three Pro V1’s in as many holes) were ALL logo balls. My eyes darted to his golf towel: “12th Annual Volunteer Fireman’s Scramble.” Umbrella: I couldn’t make it out completely, but it had the Marine Corps. logo and I could read the word “tournament.”
Me: “So Bob, you were in the Marines?” Bob: “What’s that?” Me: “The Marines. Your umbrella has the Marine Corps. logo.” Bob: “Oh that! No. I won that in the raffle after I played in their local tournament last year.”
Yep, I had the pleasure of being Bob’s 6th playing partner that summer. Coincidentally, it was also Bob’s sixth golf tournament that summer. By the time we were driving up to the 18th green, I had the whole story:
“Yeah, I never really played this game until I joined my present firm. One day I was talking to one of the partners who was telling me about this big client he just got. Turns out he met the guy at a golf tournament, so I figured; Hey, that’s not a bad idea. Here it is three years later and nearly 30 percent of my clients stem in some way, shape or form from someone I met playing in a golf tournament!”
Bob’s not alone. He knew of a few others that were doing the same thing. Suddenly, I was whisked back to California in 1849 – There’s Golf in Them Thar Hills! Wait, I meant “Gold” – no, I guess I actually meant “Golf.” Bob is a modern-day 49er – He recognized potential clientele and got out his pick, er, clubs and started digging.
At the raffle after the round, guess who won the box of balls with the course’s logo on them? Last I saw Bob, he was slurping down a clam on the half shell while talking about product liability with the owner of a paint-ball complex.
God, I love this game…