One of the most common excuses we all hear from our golfing buddies after a bad shot is “The club slipped.” Hey, it’s not really an excuse though. It happens. It’s happened to me several times. After the first couple of times it happened, I was given the old “you should try wearing a glove” advice. So I gave it a shot, but just found it to be a bit uncomfortable. So, gloveless, I just had to keep my hands as dry as possible throughout the round and learn to live with it. And, as many people know, keeping your hands dry in a humid New England summer is no easy task. Enter No Sweat.
We here at are sent lots of products to try out. So far, luckily enough, just about all of them have been useful, done what they were supposed to do and worked as advertised. Well, you can now add No Sweat to the list. No Sweat is a spray-on lotion which, with one application, claims to keep your hands dry throughout your golf round. And, as mentioned earlier, that’s exactly what it did. As a matter of fact, No Sweat lived up to all of it’s claims – there’s no odor, it’s not sticky and there’s no powder. It’s also non-toxic, but rather than test that out the only way I know how, I just took their word for it.
Another of their claims is that the effect will last all day. And again, No Sweat lived up to it’s claim. I sprayed No Sweat on my hands just a few moments before my first swing, and nine holes later, there was no need for reapplication. Now I can’t say it would have fully lasted 18 holes without another spray because I didn’t play 18. However, if it required another shot to each hand…then so be it. It’s doing it’s job, so it’s well worth it.
Speaking of worth it, that’s another term worthy of describing No Sweat. At only $8.99 per bottle and with a claimed use amount of up to 50 applications per bottle, how can you go wrong? Even if it’s a super-humid day and you do have to reapply it for the back nine, that works out to only 36 cents per eighteen hole round. Now that is a good value.
What about uses for non-golfers? You can put No Sweat to use in just about any situation where having sweaty hands would be a problem. Maybe in football, baseball or, basketball. Or how about billiards? That’s a terrible sport in which to have sweaty hands. Or maybe you’re on a job interview. You can’t have sweaty hands for the initial handshake. And you sure can’t keep wiping your hands on your pants all interview long. Heck, even holding hands with your girlfriend, boys!
So all-in-all, No Sweat is a winner in my opinion. And at only $8.99 per bottle, which will likely last you throughout your golf season, it’s a no-brainer. And being the good-hearted, sharing bunch we are, we here at Golfstinks don’t want to hog all of the good stuff. So as usual, we are going to choose one lucky winner who will be awarded a free bottle of No Sweat. Just click here to head over to our Facebook page and “like” the post on our wall entitled “Golfers! Win a free bottle of No Sweat!” We’ll pick a random winner and put their hand-sweat problems and concerns to rest. Well, for at least a golf season anyway.
Swing ’til you’re happy!
i often heard from players that they loose grip but i would say that they need to keep the boards or sticky pads which will renew the bottom of their shoes and they would have better grip.