So last week I wrote about mini golf – specifically how some people only know about golf through this miniature version of the game. My intention was to portray mini golf as a “fun game”; but not really “real” golf. Boy was I in for a reality check!
It appears that to many, “real” golf, is miniature golf – and they take it very, very seriously. How seriously, you ask? Well, it all centers around the World Minigolf Sport Federation (WMF). This “umbrella” organization oversees Minigolf tours on three continents: Asia (AMF), Europe (EMF) and America (USPMGA).
Beyond organizing championship tournaments around the globe, the WMF also compiles world rankings of Minigolf players and the countries they represent. A quick look at the country rankings tells me that the English-speaking world has some catching up to do: Great Britain and the United States are ranked 19th and 28th respectively out of 31 countries represented (Germany holds the top spot).
But regardless of the rankings, this blows my mind! The fact that miniature golf is played competitively on a national and international level never even occurred to me! But there it is – you can join your country’s tour and work your way up the WMF world rankings.
So, ready to start playing on a Minigolf tour? Hold on there, partner – this isn’t date night at the Putt-Putt course…There’s actual skill involved! In fact, there are Minigolf instructors (akin to your local PGA pro)!
Remember I said these guys were serious? Well most Minigolf pros carry an assortment of golf balls – each with a unique purpose for pulling off a unique shot. And then there’s proper putting technique and learning how to put spin on the ball, etc. All this can be found in the Starting out in Minigolf manual!
Oh and did I mention there are four different Minigolf systems that are eligible for competitive play? Miniature golf is more complicated than you ever imagined, isn’t it?
Anyway, all this info and more can be found at any of the links I post below. And while I think I’ll stick to full-size golf for the time being, I’ll never look at a miniature golf course the same again!
Happy putting y’all!
Cheers Greg,
No problem if this is not your cup of tea but your blog has highlighted a variation of the game which is accessible to a whole family and competitive if you wanted it to be.
Grateful for you links…
A Mini-golfer
@Scott – thanks for the comment! After my ignorant post last week, my eyes have readjusted to what Minigolf really is. And while it isn’t my cup of tea, I do have a much greater appreciation for those who take it seriously!
Mini golf gives you the experience of playing golf in real life, but without actually having to get out of your comfy chair in order to do it.
I’m starting to love this. I am planning to buy my own mini golf so that I can play with it anytime as long as I am not busy.
Great blog post 🙂
Thanks for the coverage of the great game of Minigolf!