What don’t people get about the idea that I play golf for fun? When I tell people that I’ve been playing golf as long as I have and I’ve never taken a lesson, they look at me like I have three heads. Maybe it’s just me, but I will never fully understand this.
Recently, I went over this with someone I know. This person happens to be an avid biker (bicycle, not motor). When he heard what I shoot, he questioned why I’ve never taken a lesson. So I asked him if he’s ever paid someone to teach him how to ride his bike. He understood my point. He, like me, participates in his sport because he enjoys it, nothing more.
I’ve made similar comparisons before. I’ve played softball for years, but I’ve never paid a batting coach! I played for fun, not to get on some professional level. Same with basketball. I played pickup games every weekend for who knows how long. But I never hired a coach to help me with my shot.
The thing is, I played all three sports (golf, softball and basketball) for the same reason…fun! Everyone laughs at the coach-hiring jokes for basketball and softball. But why is it that no one can understand why I don’t really care to take a golf lesson?
What is it about golfers that make them take their sport so serious? What is it that makes them pay for lessons? What is it that makes them pay for expensive equipment? What is it that make them buy expensive apparel? Is that expensive new shirt going to help you hit your drive farther?
Someone hiring a swing coach for rec-league softball sounds just plain silly, right? But golfers do it on a regular basis. Someone has to help me understand the draw. Most of these people who pay a pro for lessons are going to go about as far in golf professionally as I will in softball. So again, why?
Is it because you can play golf for longer in life? Is it because you are holding out hope to maybe possibly make the senior tour? Is it just because you want to be the best of your golfing buddies?
Honestly though, I’m not poking fun. I just don’t understand. I’m not a good golfer by any means. But I play a sport I enjoy. I’m happy doing that, just like any other sports I have played. Why are things perceived to be different in golf when, in reality, they are no different than participation in these other sports?
I’m just looking for some answers because, like I said, I just don’t understand.
Swing ’til you’re happy!
It’s because golf is considered an inherently more difficult skill. Most of us, me included had bats, gloves, and basketballs in hand since about 5 yrs. old. I started playing golf at 40. The few lessons I’ve taken have helped me enjoy the game more by hitting better shots. I don’t take them on a regular basis, in fact been a few years. I’ve seen a lot of people try golf and give up quickly due to not being able to hit the ball in the air, a key skill.
Interesing column, enjoyed.
I think like all sports I’ve played I wanted to get better. The competitive nature in me is to improve. When I was younger I wanted to be the best and was coached to get better.
As an adult, I play golf for the social aspect of the game but still want to improve. I’m just not that competitive any longer because I don’t want to be. But, I take a lesson from time to time to improve. When I improve I enjoy the game more.
However, I can see your passion as being self taught and wanting to improve on your own. Perhaps the fun you have in golf is finding improvement within yourself.
“Honestly though, I’m not poking fun. I just don’t understand. I’m not a good golfer by any means. But I play a sport I enjoy.”
Why is there more to understand? You play the sport for fun and enjoyment while some people play it to get better and improve because they’d rather shoot lower scores than higher ones. When trying to understand where these people are coming from who take lessons and buy the latest gadgets, do you put yourself in their shoes?
Just because the majority of golfers won’t make a professional tour, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t want to improve at it. Perhaps it’s that people want to be play better for their own personal good. It’s the self satisfaction and confidence that most people enjoy about seeing good results. Is there anything in your life that you enjoy doing well and draw lots of satisfaction and confidence from?
Growing up I took the game serious because I loved it. What really drew me was improving and challenging myself.
Nowadays I play for fun but I can still play well and when the moment comes to turn on the competitive juices again and I love it. I would rather meet people and enjoy my surroundings more because I never got the chance as a kid. The blinders and competition was on all the time.
In the end I believe it’s the personal competition with oneself that drives people to buy the latest driver or take lessons. Not many people I know are just trying to up on their buddies to take $5 off them in a Nassau. It’s also that golf is very difficult and when a ball is hit purely, the urge to do it over and over is what drives people to take lessons. They want that feeling more often.
My only issue is with those who take lessons and buy equipment yet don’t practice or work at their game to improve. As an instructor I use to get a lot of the people and it frustrate me how little effort they put in after a lesson no matter how much I motivated them. However I have learnt to distance myself from those golfers and am now coaching dedicated golfers.