Golf, according to the USGA, consists of playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the rules.
News, according to Merriam-Webster, is a report of recent events, previously unknown information and/or something having a specified influence or effect.
Why is it when the words “golf news” appear together, we automatically think “Who did what on the tour” or “What is Tiger Woods doing now (or who…ba-dum)?” Yes, those very thoughts did cross my mind and I’m sure a majority of you also. So, why doesn’t “golf news” live up to its name and report golf related stuff that is recent, unknown or possibly influential? Who knows. Here’s the part that hurts…something I missed.
As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, I sit back and think about how I, as an American and a golfer (and I use the term ‘golfer’ loosely), missed an event back in May that should have made “golf news” in a major way. The FDNY’s 9-11 Memorial Golf Outing. Why didn’t this get some sort of top billing on the golf news circuit? Oh wait, the Crowne Plaza Invitational was going on.
BULL F$%#ING S$%T!!! It’s the 10th anniversary! Dude, tell me the Crowne was so big that it extended over 29 golf courses. No? It didn’t? Well, I could be wrong but the FDNY’s 9-11 Memorial Golf Outing did. How come we never really heard much of that? That’s a golf tournament of serious magnitude. I’m sure some of you might have heard about it but I’ll bet the majority did not.
Enough of the venting. This weekend let’s just remember and celebrate the lives of those who paid the ultimate price for our safety and freedom. And by all means, if you know of any 9/11 memorial tournaments or fundraisers going on please comment below with the information.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!! Always remember…
Good post 🙂