In case you have not heard, Tiger Woods has decided to fire his long-time caddie Steve Williams. The same man who is perhaps the epitome of loyalty. Not only being a great caddie to Tiger, but also a close friend. Through all the crap that Tiger has been through, this man had his back.
This really boggles my mind. I would think that at a time like this you would want people like Mr. Williams around you. Let’s face it though, Tiger hasn’t really been too active on the tour this season. Which would result in Steve not having much work. I’m sure he’s pretty busy but those pay days he used to get when Tiger won were pretty sweet. Now it seems like he’s only a spectator.
So what compelled El Tigre to fire him? I mean is he going to carry the bag himself? I know alimony and child support can be a bitch but come on! No need to cut corners there. What kind of strategy has the caublanasian kid concocted? I guess we will have to wit and see.
Currently, Tiger has dropped to #20 in the world rankings, he changed his coach, he’s battling injury and there’s still fragmentation of his scandal floating around. I guess why not dump the best caddie you ever had? That’ll fix the problems, right Tiger? This reminds me of Rocky 5 when Tommy Gunn drops team Balboa and goes with that Don King wannabe. The end result is never good. Maybe Tiger needs a visit from Mr. Balboa?
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
Hmmm, and is anyone really surprised? Shouldn’t be. He’s been treating people like this his entire life. When he’s done with you, he’s done with you. Poof!
Meh, something to keep in mind is that if Tiger is really trying to own up to his harmful actions of his former life then he has to change a lot of the patterns and behaviors that got him there in the first place, and let’s face it Enablers don’t make that easy! I think he had to clean house. So what if Williams kept his lips sealed about all the girls Tiger was with, it’s like a drunk not telling another drunk that he’s got a drinking problem, why? So he can not feel guilty about his own shit.
Williams got what he deserved.
I think Tiger needs a fresh start and when you are stuck in a rut, change is good. Will have to see how this pans out.
Chris – Home of the pencil golf tee