Always looking for the chance to play a round of golf, or to play golf for less money than usual, I have to be on the lookout for every discount opportunity available. But what to do around this time of year? By “this time of year” I mean Mother’s Day. With all of the Mother’s Day specials floating around, I as a male golfer, am left out in the cold. So what do I do?
My mother is not a golfer, and as evidenced here, here and here…neither is my wife. As a matter of fact, none of the women in my life are golfers. So it seems there’s only one way to take advantage…bring my wife anyway.
Here’s the plan – Stinky Golfer Greg, his wife, my wife and I show up to the course offering the “Mom’s Play Free” special. I’ll have her carry Greg’s clubs into the pro shop where she doesn’t have to pay, but I pay full price. But when we go to pick up our cart, she heads back to the car, Greg joins me at the cart, pays me half the greens fee, and when the difference is split, we both actually play for half price! My wife and Greg’s wife go shopping for the next several hours while Greg and I shank our way through the course and tank our way through the 19th hole. And when we’ve had our fill of both golf and “refreshments,” we have on-call designated drivers! How can you beat that?!
So after this nifty idea, I wonder which other specials I can try to take advantage. Here’s one I’ve come up with:
Unemployment Mondays…genius! All I need now is an unemployed friend! And the friend part is optional. With the current national unemployment rate standing at 9.2%, that’s almost 1 in 10 odds that I’ll come across someone who is collecting. I will gladly pay five or ten bucks for an unemployment check stub! This particular club charges $28 for greens fees. So a cart is required. That’s no big deal. I’m saving $28 on the course! Not to sound like an infomercial, but that’s a $46 value for $18!
How about you? Can anyone share some other free golf specials of which I may be able to take advantage? After all, the best golf is free golf!
Swing ’til you’re happy!
LOL – What an asshole! Taking advantage of mother’s and the unemployed!
When do we go?
And with that, I’m going to Gleneagle.