It’s late March and for the first time in 2011 I was invited to play 9. I politely declined. Why? Well, it’s still just too cold. While the sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky, the temps barely rose above 40 degrees. And as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t play if the temps are below 50 degrees.
But being asked to play today has made me realize how close golf season actually is. Additionally, it had made me realize how unprepared I was! Practicing over the winter, equipment, apparel…I see now that I had better get on the stick! So I got started right away.
I’m all set with the basics – clubs and a bag. Although my bag, well one of the legs anyway, is in rough shape, it will hold up fine for this season. The clubs have only a half-season on them, so those are fine also. But I’m sure going to need something to hit, right? So balls are the first thing on my list. Turns out, this is a nice time to buy golf balls! I found myself a couple of boxes of Callaway Diablos, normally $25 to $30 for a box of 12 that must have been left over from last season, for only $13! Hopefully I’ll have the same luck with some of the other accessories I still need.
Next on the list for me are new shoes. I’ve been kicking myself since attending the Connecticut Golf Show last weekend and not taking advantage of the deals some of the retailers were touting. I’ve been pushing the same pair of Foot-Joy’s for a while now and it’s certainly time to let them go – No more just changing the spikes.
Last, but certainly not least, is practice. I simply haven’t practiced enough this winter. I’ve only been to the indoor facility twice, and one of those times was just to play the simulator with my kids! So I haven’t worked on my swing, drives, short game, putting…nothing! Now, as you may or may not know by now, I don’t particularly care how well I play. But, I do want to at least give myself a chance and somewhat appear to know what I’m doing. Will that happen without any off-season work? I’d rather not find out. So it looks like I’ll be planning a last-second trip or two to the range.
So, for us golfers here in the Northeast, the season is right around the corner. Hopefully, you’re better prepared for it than I am. And for those of you living where there is no off-season, aren’t you glad you don’t have to go through this every year?
Swing ’til you’re happy!
Now you know why I moved to Vancouver. Living 33 years in the northeast was just plain torture for me.
It was 48 degrees on the weekend here, sunny, no snow and I was out having a grand time. Too bad my golf game sucked. 😉
I honestly don’t mind the break at all. Sure I can play year round where I am but would I dare go out on a soaking wet course and freeze in 40 km/h winds? That’s not fun for me. My muscles get real tight and it’s tough to swing. I’d rather go for a 45 minute walk!