Ah…the rivalry games. You don’t have to be a baseball fan to understand the significance of Red Sox-Yankees. Just the same for Lakers-Celtics, Packers-Bears, North Carolina-Duke, etc… That list can go on and on.
There are the all-time great rivalries like those mentioned above. There are the rivalries that last for a few years while two teams are both hot. There are local or in-state rivalries that may not have a huge national impact, but mean the world to the fans of the two teams. The bottom line is…fans love rivalries.
But I just recently came across an old article (roughly two years old, the article is not dated) touting golf’s ten greatest rivalries. When I first came across this article, I felt I stumbled onto something interesting. Something that may help promote the sport to a new generation by focusing on or creating rivalries. Instead, I found the same old golf stuffiness. Seriously now…what is it about golf and golf writers that simply won’t allow the sport to advance into the future? What do I mean? Here, I’ll show you.
Moving through the list from 10 through 1:
#10 – USA vs. Sergio Garcia. For starters, this is not a rivalry. This is just a golfer who claims to dislike Americans. In return, many American golf fans dislike him. Further,Sergio Garcia is of relative insignificance. He has only two PGA Tour wins in the past five years and hasn’t won multiple tourneys since 2004. So who cares about Sergio? But, other than his comments about beating Americans and spitting in the cup…one of the reasons people don’t like him is his celebrations. I disagree here. I like the emotion. I would like to see more of it from other golfers. I’m tired of the “tip-of-the-cap.” Celebrate a great shot a little. Don’t rehearse it. I don’t want to see a T.O. But don’t be afraid to show a bit of emotion. Make the game more fun.
#9 – Pebble Beach vs. Augusta. Again, this is not a rivalry. This is like saying Yankee Stadium vs. Fenway. It’s great for comparisons sake – one is big, extravagant and new, the other quaint, traditional and full of character. But neither has anything to do with the games themselves. It would be Yankees-Red Sox even if the game was on a neutral field. Sure you could make the argument that playing in each other’s stadiums adds to the rivalry, but in golf, those two courses have nothing to do with an actual rivalry between players. They are just two courses. Albeit, two dream courses…but just courses nonetheless.
#8 – Robert T. Jones Jr. vs. Rees Jones. Once again…who cares? The average golf fan doesn’t give a crap about this. So two brothers don’t get along. OK, so it’s a family rivalry. But it has nothing to do with the sport itself. They just both happen to be golf course designers. Meaningless.
#7 – Sarazen vs. Hagen – Hey!! We’re four in and we actually have a player rivalry! It’s what golf fans care about! Although, they do only mention one match and it happens to be almost 80 years old. Otherwise…I’ll take it. They are after all, two of the greatest of all time.
#6 – Greg Norman vs. Tim Finchem – One is an all-time great golfer. The other is the commissioner. It’s two guys who don’t get along…but it’s not a rivalry! Not in the sense that I want anyway. Not only that, but it’s not exactly Pete Rose vs. Bart Giamatti.
#5 – Tradition vs. Technology – GET OVER IT ALREADY!! The game has advanced. It’s going to continue to advance. Just let it happen!! Equipment is going to become easier to use. Technology will make the game easier for some. Does that ruin the game? Of course not! Besides, isn’t it fun to think to yourself..”I know Tiger is great…but can you imagine what Bobby Jones would do with a set of Tiger’s clubs?” Oh, and by the way, “tradition vs. technology” is, once again, not a rivalry.
#4 – Jack Nicklaus vs. Tom Watson – No argument here.
#3 – Sam Snead vs. Ben Hogan – Ditto.
#2 – Arnold Palmer vs. Jack Nicklaus – My only issue with this one is, how is it NOT #1?!
#1 – Tiger Woods vs. Old Man Time – Oh…because Tiger had to be involved in the #1 ranking somehow. Sports Illustrated and Golf magazine were, of course, busy kissing Tiger’s ass. Tiger vs. Old Man Time? Are you kidding? He injured his knee!! How is that a rivalry???!!! Worse yet…how is that a better rivalry than Arnie vs. Jack?! What a joke.
See, I’ve mentioned before that I believe the PGA does a crappy job of promoting it’s players. No one, save the hardcore golf fans, has any idea who half the players on the tour are. Want to promote these players a little better? Then create some rivalries! Give us a reason to watch! Build up a match! Don’t give us a crappy top ten list that shows only four actual rivalries, and none of the current!
The PGA could do so much better…but they don’t. In the meantime…fewer and fewer people care. Fewer and fewer people take up the game. Fewer and fewer rounds are played every year. Fewer and fewer members of the younger generations show interest in the game…and #5 on the above list is part of the problem, not one of the “greatest rivalries.”
Swing ’til you’re happy…and find your own top ten reasons to do so.
I agree. Hopefully the PGA TOUR will take not of what they did in Dubai by pairing the top three players in the world together for the first 2 rounds. It creates a buzz and creates rivalries.
We don’t need all three top guys in one group but maybe two, then put a relatively unknown player in the group so he gets his name out there.
Just a thought! Good article and insight.