Normally, I do not foray into the personal life of pro golfers or non golfers for that matter but thanks to Newsweek they brought it to me. You see Mr. Woods has kindly written a little somethin’ somethin’ called “How I’ve Redefined Victory” – Right, and this is because he had a winless 2010 so he had to “redefine” victory?
Below are the first three paragraphs from his editorial. My issue is that he says golf is a self-centered game and that he thought he was invincible but now realizes that you need to depend on others as well…blah blah blah. So, why did he write “How I’ve Redefined Victory” – To let us know he’s a winner?
“Last November, everything I thought I knew about myself changed abruptly, and what others perceived about me shifted, too. I had been conducting my personal life in an artificial way—as if detached from the values my upbringing had taught, and that I should have embraced.
The physical pain from that car accident has long healed. But the pain in my soul is more complex and unsettling; it has been far more difficult to ease—and to understand. But this much is obvious now: my life was out of balance, and my priorities were out of order. I made terrible choices and repeated mistakes. I hurt the people whom I loved the most. And even beyond accepting the consequences and responsibility, there is the ongoing struggle to learn from my failings.
At first, I didn’t want to look inward. Frankly, I was scared of what I would find—what I had become. But I’m grateful that I did examine my life because it has made me more grounded than I’ve ever been; I hope that with reflection will come wisdom. Golf is a self-centered game, in ways good and bad. So much depends on one’s own abilities. But for me, that self-reliance made me think I could tackle the world by myself. It made me think that if I was successful in golf, then I was invincible. Now I know that, no matter how tough or strong we are, we all need to rely on others.”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not taking anything away from his accomplishments on the golf course or in the bedroom…Ohhhh! Badum! I just think that this editorial was more an attempt to keep his name in the media in a positive light. It’s not like he said anything different than his last swing at damage control. I don’t know…I guess if you put your personal stuff out there, people (like me) will take shots at you.
I do want to add that this is all done in humor and there is no ill intention. Tiger Woods does a lot for the community through his Tiger Woods Foundation.
Hit’em long…yell FORE! Don’t hate the player, hate the game…
To read Tiger Woods’ editorial click here.
Seems like our buddy Tiger can’t quite keep his name out of the media… good or bad. (most of it bad lately, ala winless 2010)
His redefined victory speech is, to no one’s surprise, a highly polished piece of public relations that will be syndicated all over creation.
He may no longer be No1. but he remains the one to watch!
this is ridiculous! Does he think that he owes ‘us’ an explanation or an update on his recovery?? He IS self-centered whether it is about the game or not.
Please Eldrick…just shut up and play the game of golf. Only answer questions about how if you didn’t have such a massive gallery you would only 3-5 fairways per round and those fairways missed would be sooo deep in the woods that you could only recover for a bogey?!
I am so sick of this guy grabbing the limelight. There are hundreds of very talented golfers on tour if only the telecast would show them once and awhile.