My wife and I have both recently started new jobs. Starting a new job is always exciting, more so when both you and your spouse are doing so at the same time! A new company, new position, new responsibilities…there’s much to look forward to especially considering we are both moving into industries completely foreign to both of us. One of us is taking a position in, for lack of a better way to explain it, the “relocation” business. The other in the golf industry. Any guesses which of us is taking which position?
Yup, you guessed it. My wife, who couldn’t possibly be less interested in the sport, is now working in the golf industry. That’s right, while I’m worried about coordinating delivery of furniture into an apartment complex, my wife, who is an accountant, is heading for work at the golf course management company she is now employed by. Am I jealous? Yes and no.
I’m not jealous of the actual job. Even though it is with a golf course management company, it’s still accounting. My wife enjoys it, but to me it’s just addition and subtraction all day. I can think of some other jobs I would rather do. So I’m not jealous of the job she has. However, I am very much jealous of one of her co-workers.
I don’t know the guy and I have no idea what the position entails. All I know is, my wife was telling me a “today, at work” story that went something like this:
Blah blah blah…and…blah blah blah…and then…blah blah blah…when all of a sudden, the Director of Golf…blah blah blah…..
What?! Director of Golf?! Is that an actual position?! An actual job?! What does he do? Make sure people are golfing? Who cares what he does…how do I get that job? Where do I apply? I play golf…I can certainly direct it!!
OK, I’m sure there’s more to the position than what I believe there to be. But I’m still jealous of the title.
Even though I don’t have the position in the golf industry, that doesn’t mean I don’t somehow benefit from it. I’ve already been notified that I can play any of the eight or nine courses managed by the company at a discounted rate. That’s great news enough…but it gets better! In order to make up some time for a day she’ll need off later in the week, my wife went into work for a few hours on Memorial Day. Her boss being there also, rewarded her with some gift certificates to some of the golf courses! Since she doesn’t play, guess where those rewards will be headed. That’s right…directly into my golf bag!
So I’d like to take this moment to say thank you. Thank you to my wife for always being able to find the cool jobs. Thank you for always finding the jobs that somehow benefit me. I may never hold a position as cool as Director of Golf, but that doesn’t mean my wife can’t direct me to the golf course.
Thanks again honey!!
Congrats to your wife (and you for reaping the benefits of her perks). I worked in the golf industry in an accounting/information systems capacity for nearly ten years and really enjoyed the work.
Keep in mind, 90% of the enjoyment of the workplace depends on the people you’re working with, rather than the actual job function you’re performing. And since most people in the golf industry are cool as heck, I’m sure her job is fun.
Jim Dauer