Do you find yourself taking the elevator instead of the stairs even though the building is two floors? Will you watch something on TV you don’t want to just because you’re on the La-Z-Boy and the remote is out of reach?
As America gets lazier (so says medical and health officials) and technology improves, I figured I would present a few ideas that would make a lazy golfer’s round more accommodating by combining technology with laziness.
1. Concierge – What other amenity adds class and lets you be carefree than a concierge? You call them, tell them you want to play at whatever time and voila, easy as that. They make sure every thing is ready when you come, such as…
2. Curbside Check-In – part of the concierge’s duties is to have an attendant ready with a golf cart at your spot in the parking lot. Who the heck wants to walk to the club house anymore? How can you avoid going into the clubhouse to check-in and pay? Technology, my friend, something along the lines of this…
3. Golf Cart 2.0 – You’ve parked and there waits for you a technologically advanced cart with GPS and a touchscreen display on a secured wireless network. From this display you can pay for the round and it’s a digital scorecard to boot. It would be silly if that’s all this thing did…glad you asked. Here’s what else:
- Order food or beverages from the touchscreen display and have the MOFOBETE deliver it to wherever you are. Thanks GPS!
- Want a cigar or sunscreen? No worries, just like the food and drinks, order it on your wireless touchscreen display and within minutes the delivery hits your cart. GPS, you’re the best!
- Left a club, club head cover or your weed stash behind? Fear not! Punch that in to GC 2.0’s computer and out come the hounds. Soon enough a Go-Fer will show up with your belongings. Unless some greasy scumbag behind you scoops your goods. GPS…you got the picture.
- And yes, this will also give you distances to the green and what not. Hey, maybe even the pro’s tip for that hole.
We could go into further detail but that would require more work (hence making me a hypocrite seeing that this is about being lazy). Not for nothing but I think I’m on to something here. It’s kind of funny though, working so hard to design something to be so lazy…
Hit ’em long, yell Fore!
I think we should work on the Golf Cart 2.0 man! That would make the game so much easier.