That usually justifies a bad golf shot by an amateur. I mean really, it has nothing to do with the fact that we just stink at golf, right? “You didn ‘t rotate your wrists…”, Didn ‘t rotate my wrists…!?!? Who the…I didn ‘t know Hank Haney* was in our foursome. Thanks for the tip Skippy, now go get your shinebox! “What ‘s that? My body wasn ‘t square to the target…?” I ‘m sorry, but geometry was never my thing. Next time I ‘ll be sure to have a protractor. Here ‘s a little “reality golf lesson” for those that think they are golf instructors and must let you know what you are doing wrong.
1) If your business card does not say PGA professional (and can be confirmed), please…shut the ƒ#$% up!
2) If you have never been paid real money to give a golf lesson, please…shut the ƒ#$% up!
3) If your score is just as bad as everyone else ‘s, please…shut the ƒ#$% up!
4) If you find yourself saying ” I picked my head up” as a reason for bad golf, please…shut the ƒ#$% up!
5) And finally, if you don ‘t know who I ‘m referring to, it ‘s probably you, so please…
Now that I got that off my chest I shouldn ‘t have a problem keeping my head down.
*Hank Haney is a golf instructor to the pro ‘s…and wealthy retired pro athletes like Charles Barkley…btw, Sir Charles stinks at golf. How do I know? Well, Haney was quoted as saying “Charles ‘ swing looked worse than Helen Keller trying to read.” Don ‘t listen to that hogwash Chuck, I still believe in you…call me, we ‘ll do lunch.
RIGHT ON!!!!! My foursome has two “Golf Swing (& Rules) Gurus”. “That was fat.” “You came over the top.” “Teed too high (low)” etc, etc, etc. Yikes..just let me play. Usually I know what I did wrong. And if either of them could play better than the I do they would be playing somewhere else. (Which I have wished many times!!)
Amen! I’m by no means a scratch golfer, but I usually know what I’m doing. Here’s an idea…if I just beat you by 13 strokes on the front nine, maybe you should start dispensing that A-1 advice to yourself.
I actually hate getting advice from hackers so much, that I’m overly paranoid about answering someone if they ask me what they just did wrong on their last swing.
Yeah, I feel like such a putz when I tell someone something like, “Dude, you’re backswing is too short and you’re jerking your leg.”
Then, of course I go out and shoot a snowman on the next hole…and the next and follow that up with a 6 on the short par 3.
Damn, I’m an ass.
Amen, amen and A-FREAKING-MEN.
I will tell my friend who I play partners matches with to slow his swing a little, because he asked me to do so when we are paired up against someone else. But that’s it.