We’ve all heard of this before, just ask Phil Mickelson. For those not too sure of the meaning, it derives from Wall Street. Investors risking potential losses (the risk) in order to gain higher returns (the reward). On the golf course this means challenging a hazard or taking a tough shot, and risk losing a stroke, to potentially gain a stroke. With that said, let me give you my twist on the ol’ double “R”.
Stinky Golfer Greg and myself recently went and played a quick nine at a local track. As we butchered our way through the course, we joked about how you always hit your best shot into the foursome in front of you. It never fails. If you are 240 yards out and there is a foursome on the green, it is inevitable, you will hit a perfect 3 wood bomb right into their line as they putt. Hence, my take on risk-reward.
The Risk: Taking your shot knowing the foursome is within reach. You know damn well that if you wait for that foursome to finish or advance, you will flub the shot and everyone in your group will chime in with “It’s a good thing you waited for them to clear out, Tiger!”
The Reward: Hitting the straightest and most beautiful golf shot…ever! Yeah, yeah I know, it’s a crappy, non-golf etiquette, greasy, selfish move. But man, is it tempting especially if the foursome in front of you is slow.
You see, this is exactly what transpired…pretty much. We were on the ninth hole (par 5) and just teed off. My ball landed in the rough maybe 10-15 feet off the fairway. There is a foursome on the green and I’m some distance away. I pull out my trusty 3 wood and examine the shot. I discuss with Greg that I probably won’t make the green, but because there is a foursome there, the golf gods will give me the distance and accuracy I need.
So, I throw caution to the wind and proceed to hit, out of the rough, an ESPN Sportscenter, U.S. Open highlight, shot-of-the-day, golf shot. As soon as the ball was struck, I felt my stomach drop and everything turned slo-mo. FFFFFFFOOOOOORRRRRRREEEEE (but just like Ralphie in the movie a “Christmas Story”, I was really thinking the F— word)! The friggin’ ball landed directly in front of one of the guys as he’s putting…WTF!
I definitely DO NOT recommend hitting into group in front of you. Sometimes mistakes are made…on purpose…call me Lefty.