Problem was, I forgot to take my golf clubs out of the trunk. Uh-oh. There’s no way the larger of the two bags (Insert your second favorite mother-in-law joke here) was going to fit. Luckily, I do have a backseat. It’s a bit of a tight squeeze, but it is a backseat nonetheless. So after a bit of a fight with the larger of the two bags (again…joke) we were on our way home; disaster averted.
My wife doesn’t understand why my clubs were in the trunk anyway, considering I hadn’t played recently and had no plans to play again soon. I try to explain to her that you never know where you’re going to be when a round of golf breaks out. So it’s best to be prepared. She thinks I’m an idiot. She’s probably right.
Now when I say my trunk is small, I mean it’s small. It’s so small in fact, there is actually a diagram on the underside of the trunk lid showing how to fit two golf bags in there! I guess somehow the great minds at Infiniti must have know this car would eventually find it’s way into a golfers driveway!
But the fact that a diagram showing golf bags in my trunk exists at all is what I find astonishing. The diagram does not explain how to fit luggage in the trunk, although I wish it did. Instead, it shows two golf bags. So obviously, some research went into finding out how many people travel with golf clubs in the trunk. And considering the diagram found its way into my car…I guess it was a relatively high number.
Now it’s not just the clubs themselves that take up the space – it’s the shoes, the umbrella, a couple of boxes of balls and whatever other random things are in there. Throw all of that crap into one small space, and you can see how disorganized it can get. Anyone else have this problem? Well how about this for a solution – don’t pick your wife up from the airport!
Sorry honey; just kidding. Seriously though, finding a solution to this problem would be pretty great, right? Finding it cheaply would be even better. But finding it on a website better known for selling dining tables would be completely unexpected! But sure enough, here it is:
Pretty sweet, eh? I can squeeze just about every golf accessory I have, short of my clubs, into that one convenient package. And no kidding…it’s just a click away while surfing http://www.diningroomsdirect.com/.
See, that site is a branch of http://www.csnstores.com/. They have just about everything you can shop for on that site – furniture, household goods, clothing and yes, golf accessories. If you’re on the dining room site, you just click the tab at the top that says “view all 200 csn stores” and then search “golf trunk” on that page. I’ve done it for you HERE.
Not bad for under $60! But you know what could make it better? What if it was free?! Well, for one lucky Golfstinks reader, it can be. As with all of our great Golf Stinks blog giveaways, simply head over to our Facebook page and “like” us. That’s it! That’s all you have to do to enter! We’ll then randomly choose one lucky winner, and we’ll be in touch!
One warning though – once you have this thing, you no longer have any excuses for allowing your trunk to look as bad as it does. You no longer have the ability to say “I’m sorry honey, there’s no way that will fit in my trunk. We’ll have to take your car.” And you will certainly have no excuse for leaving any bags (you know what to do here) sitting on the airport curb.
Swing ’til you’re happy!
*Update – In response to the comment asking if the diagram on the inside of my trunk actually exists, here you go! I couldn’t believe it when I saw it either…