Labor Day weekend has come and gone and with that we prepare for fall and winter. For most of us hacks in the Northeast that also means our golf season is winding down. Now is the time to enjoy the perfect golfing weather and get in a few last rounds before tucking away the ol’ sticks. There are many courses offering up some fall ball specials and we should take advantage of them.
We all deserve a break once in a while to shoot a round of golf, especially on a holiday weekend. Speaking of breaks, it seems as though President Obama couldn’t catch one this past Labor Day. Apparently, he was hoping to hack up one of Westchester’s (NY) high end tracks but they had other plans in mind. Mr. Obama was rejected by all courses including Winged Foot and Trump National.
This seems very strange, or does it? Obviously, if he was to play, it is required that the course shuts down and doesn’t let any members or guests play or even be there. Not a smart move financially especially on a holiday weekend. Another rumor being tossed around was how Obama has lost his star quality. With some of these uppity places, if you are not A-list, you are S-list…or S*** list.
It’s pretty much a given that he wasn’t getting a tee time at Trump National because well, Donald is not a fan of Obama. Actually, I take that back. Mr. Trump did offer the president free golf for the rest of his life but there’s a catch…he would have to resign, now. Oof! Times are a changin’…
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
It doesn’t help matters when Pres. Obama’s “Imperial Force-Field” security bubble has reached the point of being nearly untenable to mere humans.