It’s strange but, it seems we here at Golfstinks have spent an inordinate amount of time over the past week or so going on about the rules of the game. The reason it’s funny is because all of us here aren’t really sticklers for the rules. For the most part, we all go by the old “play it as it lies” rule. And if we can’t, we’re not all about pulling out the book. We’re not going back to the tee to hit another ball. We’re not marking off exactly two club lengths. We simply drop the ball in a reasonable spot, take a stroke if necessary, and move it along.
But we understand that some golfers are a bit nutty over the rules. Many golfers carry that book with them in their bag. Heck, some of these golfers practically have it memorized! But my question is, why so serious? What is it about golf that makes its players take it, as well as the rules, so seriously? Like every game they play is a major with a million dollars on the line.
Just a few guys out on their local course with their buddies is pretty much the equivalent of a few guys out on a local basketball court, right? Or some guys playing in a local softball league. Well, I’ve done all three, and no players are as passionate about the rules as golfers. Now, I said “passionate,” but that can easily be replaced with “annoying.” I’ve seen golfers pull out their rule books on the local course. I’ve seen players hold up the group behind them by following the rules to the point where every I is dotted and every T is crossed. I’d like to see someone head down to a local basketball court and try to call an intentional foul…or just about any foul for that matter. In any pickup game I’ve ever played, I have never seen a technical foul called. But some golfers? Come on now. Same out on a baseball or softball field. Anyone ever see a balk called during a game? But I’ve seen golfers pull that damn book out for anything questionable.
So what is it? There’s nothing wrong, obviously, with playing by the rules. So I’m not knocking it, unless you’re holding everyone else up. Then that just gets us right back to the whole etiquette thing. But why is it that people playing other recreational sports can separate the rules from just simply having fun, but so many golfers can’t? I would ask if it’s a competitive thing, but I can tell you right off the bat, that’s not it. On the basketball court we’re playing for fun. But I’ll be the first one to tell you, in my experience, no recreational players in any sport are as competitive as basketball players. Even in my softball league…we all understand it’s mainly for fun, but no one on my team has the “I don’t care if we win or lose…I’m just having fun” attitude. First and foremost…we want to win. Yet still…not one of us is playing the game with a copy of the rules in our pocket.
So do golfers just think they care more about their sport? Do they feel they are doing the sport more justice by playing as “by the book” as possible? Do they truly believe they are cheating if they don’t do everything exactly as written? Are they missing out on some of the fun by acting this way? Are they putting too much pressure on themselves and therefore losing some of the enjoyment?
See, golf for me is a release. I have a full-time job which puts enough pressure on me as it is. The last thing I need is more pressure when I’m trying to do something that should be an escape from the rest of my life. So why do people do it to themselves? If you’re one of those golfers who are strictly by the book, then please let me know what I’m missing. Because I don’t quite understand, but I sure would like too.
Swing ’til you’re happy!
Nice. I would say that on a regular day, the rules are not that important. You are only playing against yourself, so no big deal. Playing in a real competition (not against your buddies for drinks) with strangers does bring out the referee in most golfers. They even the playing field by setting guidelines that everyone should play by….I however are not a crazy golfer who thinks that rules need to be applied every time. I usually do not golf with those guys….they are really not much fun.
I agree that the rules of golf are not that important in every day golf. In fact, the rules tend to make the game slower, and thus less fun. A few weeks ago, I was playing a weekend round and the group in front of me came back to the tee a few times to re-tee after a lost ball. It was really annoying and brought the pace of play to a standstill. All it takes is a few golfers on the course playing by the rules and it can ruin it for everyone.
Chris, I like to play by the rules because a legitimate score is the only way I can play against myself, and know if I am improving. And for reasons I can’t explain, I enjoy the structure that the rules provide to the game.
But I won’t look down my nose and judge those that play the game different than me. Most important thing is to have fun!