It’s an idea that’s crossed all of our minds numerous times. It’s an idea we’ve tackled here at Golfstinks on more than one occasion. It’s something of which many of us have thought we’d like to be a part. It’s a golf tour for the regular guy. Yes, it turns out, they do exist after all!
This past weekend, I attended the Connecticut Golf Show. It was here, among the rows of reps from resorts, club manufacturers and apparel companies, that we came across a little organization called The Tour of Western New England. It’s this tour, and others around the country like it, that is the answer to many golfers prayers – the opportunity for the average hack to play, and compete, in an actual tour.
No, you don’t travel all around the country playing the top courses with the stars of the PGA Tour. Instead, you play courses in your general area, competing against other golfers like you. And let’s say they’re not so much like you – maybe they’re golfing prowess is far superior to your meager skills. No worries, handicaps are involved. So the playing field can truly be about as level as possible.
So what does it take to join? Well, it’s $90 up front to join the tour. What does that $90 get you? Tee times, access to private courses if they’re a tour stop, guest privileges at most events, handicap tracking and access to other local tours. Not bad for only $90. From there, you pay for your golf at each tour stop, and that’s it…you’re in. You can play in as many of the 20-25 events as you’d like, you’re eligible for prizes, carts and meals are included and with the private course stops along the way, you have the opportunity to play some courses you normally would not. Again…not bad for $90.
So who does this tour fit? Well, just about anyone who has the time to play often and enjoys playing different courses week after week. If you’re the kind of player who has to play the same course or two over and over, then this isn’t for you. However, if you are that type of player, you’re truly missing out on the beauty of the sport.
As I think about it, I see that a tour like this is right up my alley, as well as the alleys of most of my golfing buddies. We like playing as many different courses as possible. We’ll get competitive at times. And hey, if prizes and meals are included…there’s a strong possibility you can lure me in.
Swing ’til you’re happy!
What a great idea. Incorporating handicap to make things competitive is a great move for enhancing competition.