I’m stuck in a catch 22. Besides Golfstinks.com, I also work in the semiconductor industry supplying manufacturers with components to make circuit boards. I’m all about electronics and developing new technology but not so much when it comes to golf. As much as these electronic gadgets supposedly make life easier, it can also take from the human aspect of it. I’m submerged knee deep in electronics on a daily basis, golfing is my way to get away from it.
To me, golf is a sport* that relies heavily on human feel, intuition, instinct, some common sense and most importantly – practice. I’m not really sure if electronics should have much play in this game we love. For example, you drop $300 on a golf GPS apparatus another $250 on a rangefinder and what does it tell you? You are 205 yards out from the green. Great, you couldn’t figure that out by looking at the 200 yard marker 5 yards in front you?
Hey, if you are going to drop $500 on some gadgets to tell you where you are on a golf course, I’m sure for another $500 you can hire a pro to take the shot for you too. Just saying. In reality, what device do we need to improve our game? I know, it’s called playing…a lot. Leave the rangefinder’s and GPS stuff for the Navy Seals.
Electronics can be like drugs whereas we develop a dependency for them. Case in point, cellphones. We can leave the house without our wallet and not really care to turn around and go get it. If we leave without our cell…forget it, might as well be naked because that’s how we feel. That being said, let’s keep golf the way it was meant to be – a human sport*.
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
*For those that feel golf is a game and not a sport, just replace the word sport with game and we can co-exist peacefully.
I totally agree with this post!
I know you are talking abut golf enhancement tech. but what about cell phones?
I’m an older golfer and when I golf with my 26 yr old nephew he is on his cell phone the whole time! GRRR
He is either texting or playing some game remotely with someone else during our round.
I like enjoying the golf experience without any electronics:)