Well, it’s that time of year again – New Year’s resolution time. A time of empty promises. A time of hollow intentions. Approximately a month away from a time of letdown. It’s nothing new. Same thing year in and year out.
Last year I made the mistake of going against my “No New Year’s Resolutions” rule when I made a silly resolution regarding my golf game. No, it had nothing to do with game improvement. It was simply a resolution to play more golf. But, like all other New Year’s resolutions I’ve made in the past, it fell flat. I didn’t play any more. As a matter of fact, I may even have played less!
But did I learn my lesson? No, of course not. I’m making the same golf resolution as I did last year. I resolve to play more golf this coming year. But I think this time I can make it happen.
So why is this year going to be different? I don’t know. I just have a good feeling about it. No specific reason. It’s just that I know how I felt this past year when I didn’t get much chance to play. It was terrible. Especially considering I had that shiny new set of clubs to use for a full season. A year later, they’re almost as shiny as when they were brand new. That’s a terrible feeling! It’s like playing a game of football and leaving with a clean uniform.
With that said, what am I going to do to make it happen? After all, I said the same thing last year. Well, I’m going to have to start by trying to plan further ahead of time. Maybe if I set aside a few weekends specifically for golf, that could help. Possibly another golf trip – it’s been a while since I’ve done that!
Well whatever methods I choose to instill, I’m determined to make it happen. Even if it’s just one more round this year than last. Hell, I’ll even settle for just nine more holes, as long as I play more than last year!
Swing ’til you’re happy! I resolve to do so!
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