Doesn’t everyone just love that guy/girl that’s got your hook-up? You know, the one who can get you something from somewhere for free or cheap? Maybe it was something that…ah-ahem…”Fell off a truck.” Or, when you ask where they came across this particular product, the response is “Don’t worry about it…I got a guy.” Who can’t appreciate that?
When I was a kid, it was a few friends who worked at McDonald’s, Dairy Queen and Dunkin’ Donuts. As I got older, it turned into a buddy who was a mechanic. My wife even managed to find someone who just happens to come across inexpensive televisions. Nice! And speaking of my wife, I was even lucky enough to befriend a jeweler years ago. Boy I’ll tell ya, you don’t realize how badly you’re getting screwed by a jewelry store until you bring them a diamond ring you purchased from a private jeweler and they tell you they would price it at almost three times what you paid! Now that’s a hook-up!
But speaking of my wife, I’m not ashamed to say that I had been using her as a hook-up also. Thanks to her job in the golf industry, I’ve played golf courses for a fraction of the regular cost as well as purchased my custom-fit clubs for about half of what it would normally cost. However, that all appears to be gone now. In a move that, for several reasons had to be made, my wife quit her job in the industry and has decided to turn her part-time photography business into her full-time work.
While I of course wish her the best, I will certainly miss the hook-up aspect of the previous job. See, I didn’t play a whole heck of a lot of golf this year. And of the few times I did manage to get out and play, it was at the benefit of my wife’s hookups. So what am I going to do without her?
Of course, her new pursuit has already found me someone who has done my brakes for a great price. It’s also found me an electronics repair guy who can hopefully save me a few bucks as well. Both are great hookups, but it’s still not golf.
I’m worried that without the “hook-up motivation” I may not be out on the course any more next season than I was this one. So I guess we’ll have to see what the off-season brings. You never know, maybe photography will bring her in contact with someone else in the golf industry that can help me out. But if not, as long as my wife is happy with her decision, I’ll settle for brakes and MP3 players.
Swing ’til you’re happy!
I feel your pain. I am lucky enough to have a buddy in the golf biz. Played Pinehurst #8 for $30!! Cant beat that with a stick.