The holidays are great. But the holidays are exhausting as well. Everyone agree? The running around. The hustle and bustle. The last minute everything! Sometimes you can feel like you need a vacation from being on vacation! Like you need to get back to work in order to get some rest!
Well honestly, it’s no different for us here at golfstinks either. Stinky golfers Greg, Pete and myself all work to consistently put up whatever content we can. Be it informative, comical, sarcastic or just plain off-the-wall…we’re doing the best we can to keep it comin’ year round.
Obviously, we do things a little different around here. As you all know by now, we’re not really covering/following the tours. We’re not reviewing equipment. And we’re certainly not trying to give you any swing advice! Lord knows none of us are qualified to do any of these things! But that also doesn’t keep us from going on about the game we love. We just do it from the standpoint of your average, everyday hack. And believe it or not…that’s not as easy as it sounds! Especially when all of us are working regular full-time jobs, raising kids, maintaining a relationship, family, home, etc. Or, all of the above!
Hence the need for a break/vacation. And friends, that’s exactly what we’re doing right now. We’ve been running around like chickens with our heads cut off for the past few days. So much so that we’re among those people who need to get back to work in order to get some rest! So until Friday, we’re not going to say a thing about golf except to say…
Happy holidays to all of our fellow golfers…stinky and non-stinky! We thank you for your continued support! And don’t forget…
Swing ’til you’re happy!
you deserve a break. I know I spent way too many hours on three guys golf blog this “holiday”