What exactly does golfstinks.com mean to you? Better yet; What would you like golfstinks.com to mean to you?
As we develop the site golfstinks.com, we love the fact that we offer a hands-down, top notch, golf course search (which is now in beta). And if you haven’t noticed, a widget for it is also located at the top of the right-hand sidebar of this blog…Just in case you want to look up a course or two.
Ultimately, the goal of golfstinks.com is to give golfers of all ability – average hacks, better-than-average hacks and worse-than-average hacks – a place and community to call home while on the web. In essence, a social media site for golfers. Somewhere we can go and be around our golf buddies as well as meet new ones.
What we are looking for is some input from our readers and hopefully future members. We figured it would be best if we further developed the site with the help of those that will use it – you. To give you an example, we’ve received some ideas ranging from ways to fill-out foursomes to booking tee times through our site to tracking tournaments in your local area.
If you have any ideas or features that you would like to see on our site, please let us know. You can email us at info@golfstinks.com or just leave a comment on this post. We are really looking forward to getting you’re input!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
When I was looking for a new golf league to join this year it was quite difficult to find one that fit my needs and I had to look in many different places. Basically, I had to contact all of the courses in my area and get the info they had for each of their leagues and then attempt to contact the commissioner of each league for info. I ended up starting a league of my own. A “leagues looking for players” feature/section would be very helpful.
I would also love to have a page for my golf league like that of my fantasy football league where you can look up stats, see standings and results and talk smack to everyone else in the league.
You could maybe put some type of score tracking system and that way people can find others who are at the same level of them. Would be a great way to choose a partner to go golfing with.
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