Well, May 21st came and went, and we’re all still here. And not to sound selfish, even though this will, but I’m still here, and that’s what matters most to me. Because if I wasn’t still here, then my golfing life would have ended prematurely…and what a waste that would have been.
See, I’ve never played any of the so called “greatest” courses. And if the world were to end before I had the chance to at least play a few, then I would be seriously pissed.
Also, I have yet to break 90. If I was to die at the end of the world before I ever broke 90 (because I know it’s going to happen one of these days) I certainly would have needed to have a sit-down with the planners of this Rapture. And I promise, there would have been several unkind words flying across the table.
Oh, another thing…I’ve yet to record a hole in one. And statistically speaking, I’m getting closer and closer to pulling it off. If my math is correct, and I’m going up against those 1-in-45,000 odds, then I should have that hole-in-one chalked-up sometime within the next 549 years. If I can step up the amount of rounds I play per year, then maybe I can get that count down a bit. Hey, every little bit helps!
So you see, this whole Rapture thing has really got me thinking. I’ve slacked off with my golf game for far too long. I have far too many things still to do in my golfing life – places to play, miracle shots to pull off, Nassau’s to win, clubs to break over my knee a la Bo Jackson. And how would I feel if I never got the chance to do these things all because of something so silly as the end of days.
Of course, I could always look at the bright side – If Judgement Day were to happen, there’s a good chance I would be among the ones left behind. And if that was the case, at least there would be a better chance for me to get a tee-time at Bethpage Black.
Swing ’til you’re happy! Because December 21, 2012 is just around the corner!
I know how you feel about golfing – especially wanting to record that hole in one. Hopefully it WILL happen before the rapture!