That’s right, who the heck pays full price anymore? It seems this little invention called the internet has slowly put retailers in a rat race they never thought they would be in. Especially when it comes to golf gear.
We all know how expensive golf equipment can be. Is it because of the R & D that went into it? Maybe the materials used? Who cares! With new sites popping up that find deals for consumers/golfers it doesn’t matter. Now the sellers have to battle it out to get the sale.
Companies like Groupon and LivingSocial have been gaining popularity featuring deals available in your area. Now, let’s say we had something dedicated to finding deals for golf related stuff – like our friend Ed Abrams at Deal Tracker Golf does.
Ed offers daily deals to golfers and that’s it. You don’t have to worry about weeding through deals for a super discounted 7 day cruise to Libya or a mani and pedi. Who wants to golf after a french manicure?
Deal Tracker Golf offers consumers not only deals on gear, accessories and destinations, but it also focuses on making it a community with interaction from its users. Here’s a little something from Ed:
“So here’s the plan: I’m happy to do the legwork for you and share my expertise. It’s all about value, whether it’s the latest and greatest or a time-tested model that’s in good used condition. You, in turn, can make this your “go-to” site for good golf gear deals. Let’s have some fun with it and develop a community where we help each other with leads on good solid deals and the occasional blockbuster bargain.”
Sounds like a plan to me! Deal Tracker Golf may not be the prettiest site in the world (sorry Ed), but it does appear to have some awesome deals. Keep up the good work, Mr. Abrams!
Hit’em long…yell FORE!!!
Hey — do you want beauty and fluff or do you want good deals??!!!!! We’re a utility: wake up, check the weather, scratch, check email, shave, check Golf Stinks, eat, and check! We don’t need no stinkin pretty stuff!
Seriously, thanks for the kind words and we’ll try to live up to them by making every visit to our site worthwhile. And if we don’t go broke saving money on all these bargains, we might even spring for a graphic design artist! That’s if we get a deal.
I’m a big fan of Get a good deal and funny story each day. Love it.