There are a lot of things I take and have taken for granted. There are simple things in life that I overlooked and never really was thankful for. My health (for starters) is something that never really posed any problems. Generally speaking, it’s been pretty normal and participating in all types of activities was never an issue.
Recently, a visit to the doctor’s office (for a sinus infection mind you) uncovered another potentially dangerous problem and put a lot of stuff into perspective…quickly. The doc told me to lay off anything physically exerting for a while. Now, now…don’t worry I’ll be fine and back to normal in no time. What got me thinking was; What if I never went for that doctor’s visit?
I’m not getting any younger (or handsome-er) and I really look forward to hacking up the course whenever I can. This was something that got me thinking – “Holy S%#@, I could have screwed myself good.” I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t play golf or engage in other physical activities. It’s time to really take a look at what I’ve got and be thankful.
What’s planned for the future? More golf and more gratitude. After further reviewing the situation at hand, I don’t want to hang up the sticks and miss out on any great memories or stories or the elusive hole-in-one (yet to be had). So, I’ll be thankful, take care of what needs to be done and be there when golf season opens.
Hit’em long…yell FORE! See you on the course…
I have a bad back and knee so I know the feeling. I don’t want to miss out on golf for health reasons either. Best of luck to you and I hope your ready to go for the spring.