A precision club-and-ball sport, in which competing players (golfers), using many types of clubs, attempt to hit balls into each hole on a golf course while employing the fewest number of strokes.
A game in which a player using special clubs attempts to sink a ball with as few strokes as possible into each of the 9 or 18 successive holes on a course. – Merriam-Webster
A game played on a large open-air course, in which a small hard ball is struck with a club into a series of small holes in the ground, the object being to use the fewest possible strokes to complete the course. – Oxford English
So which is it, a game or a sport? Personally, I couldn’t give a crap but I’m sure many beers, pretzels and peanuts have been consumed arguing over this barstool topic. I’d bet that debate eventually led into: “What’s the difference between a sport and a game?” Which probably opened another can of worms: “Is golf a game or sport?” This could last many days and many kegs.
The three definitions or meanings of golf seem pretty blah though. When I think of golf and what it means to me, striking a small ball with a club into a hole in the ground is definitely not what crosses my mind. Unfortunately, the definition of golf as mentioned above (along with other sports and games), seems to suck the life right out of it.
The meaning that we carry with us is by far more vivid and significant. To some, golf means a chance to spend a morning or afternoon with their son, daughter, sister or brother. A chance to hang out with some buddies and relax. A way to raise money and awareness for a charity or cause. Golf could also mean a place where business deals are solidified. All in all, I’m certain more good has come from golf than bad.
Until now, I never really thought about the meaning of golf. After looking up the definition, it made we think about how much was left out. Is this what non-golfers see it as? Oh man, we need to clarify this and let people know the truth. Hey, will slicing that tee-shot into the woods suck? Yes, it will. Will that snowman you got on the par three chap your ass? Probably but, we are golfing and that means something other than just what the old dictionary says!
Hit’em long…Yell Fore! Spread the word.
At the amateur level it’s a game. It would be a sport if someone was hitting a ball back at you.