Back at the end of April, I posted on how I may actually fork over my $10 to become an official USGA member. One of the things we pride ourselves on here at Golfstinks is we don’t BS folks.
That being said (and to show I’m not a cheap bastard), I’d like to offer some proof I indeed joined the USGA. I have to tell you, I was more excited than I thought I would be when the package arrived at my doorstep. Now I realize I poked fun at the amenities one receives upon obtaining membership (the rule book I don’t need since I have the app, the God-awful US Open hat, etc.).
But much to my surprise, I did enjoy emptying the contents of the package to reveal my “officialness” to this legendary organization (OK, maybe they missed the apostrophe and capital “A” in my name…no big deal). But besides the enclosed goodies, I can take comfort in knowing I’ve helped support golf at the grassroots level.
Below are the unpacking photos and I must admit, the hat (though it’s going straight to my father) is not as bad as I thought. I’ll pass along the rule book to someone who doesn’t have the app version, and I know in my original post I mentioned those USGA bumper stickers – well guess what? No more stickers! One photo of note is the “tips” on the back of your name tag (it appears slow play is the biggest issue with golf today)…
If you haven’t already, consider USGA membership – if not for the amenities, for how it helps the game.
all that for ten bucks! Not bad!
Update November 2021 – that $10 has grown to $36. Upon reassessing the ROI, I could use the player’s version of the rules and of course who doesn’t need a personalized bag tag to round out the ensemble! Seriously though, it is worth the membership!
I already joined (and renewed) but I would pay double for a USGA member VISOR. The bag tags make a nice decoration after you have about ten of them from consecutive years.
The Pebble Beach hat is lower quality than those of the last several years, IMO.
I still occasionally wear the Torrey Pines and Bethpage hats, but I’m not fond of the Oakmont version.
Those who donate a few dollars more to our sport get a really nifty calendar. This month’s picture is of the par-4 16th at Sahalee. When sitting in the cubicle gets me down I imagine hitting the shot presented in the picture.
I’m reluctant to use the stickers on my truck as some do on their vehicles. Don’t want to point out to potential thieves that there may be clubs on board.