I checked out a Devil Ball post a few days ago regarding the PGA deciding to make some “fan-friendly” moves. While I believe that any sport making an attempt to become more fan-friendly is great, I can’t help but to think to myself – “Yeah, we’ll see.”
Fact: No major sport is more out of touch with its fans than PGA. See that picture of Lefty? It’s him and a handful of other guys (if even that many) who show any real appreciation for the fans that show up to the events. What is the PGA planning to do about that? What good is trying to get a few more big names to some smaller tournaments if they are just going to ignore the fans there also?
Few sports put the spectator closer to the competitors than golf. But there is so little fan interaction that it just doesn’t matter. Is it really that hard to, at the very least, acknowledge the fans? Is it that hard to look at the fans and say “Thank you” after they’re cheering on a nice shot? I mean, it’s not an NBA game where you have to hurry back down the court to play defense! Acknowledge the fans! All you’re doing is walking down the fairway anyway!
But it’s not only the on-course actions of the players. It’s also the lack of pre- and post-round interaction. What Jay Busbee wrote in that post is 100% on the money. Most of these guys hurry past the fans like they’re carrying some rare, incurable disease! Don’t these guys realize, if not for the fans, you don’t have the chance to play for, or make, the kind of money you do? Yeah, you can thank Tiger all you want for that, but it’s still the fans who show up to watch! You would think that once all of the Tiger controversies came to be, and the galleries were only a fraction of what they were, these guys would be a bit humbled. But no. Nothing changed.
In my opinion though, the Tiger mess is the point from which the PGA’s revelation stems. And not for nothing, but also in my opinion, that’s a slap in the face to the golf fan. Basically, the PGA is saying “Oh yeah, you fans…we didn’t give a crap about you for the most part. But now that you’re not showing up, we realize we need you. Sorry about that.” It’s like treating your spouse like crap. Then when they’re about to walk out on you, you start trying to fix things by doing the things you should have been doing all along! Good luck with that.
The PGA put all of their eggs in the Tiger basket because of his popularity. The galleries were packed, purses were larger, the PGA was making money and the sports popularity seemed to be at an all-time high. They didn’t have to do anything for the fans because they were already there! But then…disaster. Tiger is out and no one is paying attention any longer. Now what? They realize now they should treat the fans a little better? They understand now, without the fans, they don’t have a sport? Excuse me, but that’s crap.
We here at Golfstinks have mentioned many times in the past that the PGA just doesn’t do enough for the fans, as well as its own players. And when Tiger disappeared for a while, that point was proven. I didn’t know half the golfers I was seeing on TV. That’s sad! When I can name more NASCAR drivers (a sport I despise) than PGA golfers (a sport I am a fan of, as well as participate in)…well…there’s a problem.
So one of the PGA’s solutions is to allow cell phones on the course? That’s your answer?! I’ve been to exactly two PGA tournaments, and guess what? I took my cell phone to both!! Obviously I was courteous enough to turn the ringer off, but what are you really offering me? I’m bringing it anyway!
What I’m getting at here is, at least the PGA is making the attempt to do something. But it’s not even close to enough. Yeah, putting a microphone on some of the players is a halfway decent idea, but something tells me that will get old pretty quickly. There’s only so much they can have to say that I’m going to care about before it just becomes redundant and flat-out boring.
The PGA needs to take more drastic measures. Get the fans more involved. Make some autograph sessions or meet-and-greets a requirement after rounds. Encourage the players to toss a few balls into the crowds. Set-up some competitions just for fun. We’ve mentioned in the past a long-drive competition between some of the bigger hitters on tour. That’s fun and fan-friendly! What’s wrong? Some of the players don’t want to participate in that stuff? Well…then tell them they are more than welcome to find a new line of work.
The PGA needs to make it a point to show the fans they are priority #1. The tour will go on with or without a particular golfer. But it will not go on if there’s no one to watch. Like that spouse, if you don’t show appreciation, then before you know it, they’re gone. And let me tell you…allowing a cell phone in? If that’s the best you can come up with, that’s simply not going to cut it.
I wouldn’t mind seeing players who miss a cut stick around for an extra day to hang out with fans in the gallery. They’d have a chance to chat it up with fans and really make some solid connections. Had Phil done this for the Pink-Out on Saturday at Colonial it’d would’ve been legendary.